Max Igan


Max Igan is an Australian Activist who previously lived in New South Wales, Australia but now resides in Mexico. At his core…he is an ARTIST – both musical and visual, adept in Photoshop, Bryce and a few other 3D programs. Ultimately, his broad experience of humanity makes him uniquely capable of fresh insights with far-reaching implications. In his many videos, He brings his powerful vision to lay bare the hidden crimes of the Globalists. Both his intellect and his tongue are sharp and those who seek Freedom are strengthen by his powerful observations that he shares in his videos which can be found on Freedom platforms such as Bitchute, Rumble and many others. Though he traveled the world as a musician, interacting with all variations of humanity, his nature remains solitary and reflective. His worldly travels opened his awareness to a broad spectrum of perspectives which enable him to delve deep with an insightful vision into topics and ideas too often overlooked. As a devoted father, he took up playing with his son the internet game, “Enemy Territory.” This lead to him and his son joining a ‘clan’ which is comprised of players from around the world. many who have become some of his dearest friends be they 14 or 50. Ultimately, his broad experience of humanity makes him uniquely capable of fresh insights with far-reaching implications. “A traveling musician lives more on the “outside of society” than within its confines but because of that, and because of the music, a musician is able to meet, and interact, with a great many people from all walks of life and a great many countries, cultures and classes that many other people are not. This gives them a unique perspective. If they are astute, take advantage of such situations and learn from such interaction, they are able to gain a valuable insight and understanding of many facets of human kind and many things that remain unseen and unknown to most other people.” – Max Igan

Withdraw Consent


Withdraw Consent is a podcast/movement whose goal is to bring down The System in America (and other Western nations eventually) by awakening, through education, the American people by revealing the group behind The System, mostly religious Jews. We promote National Socialist political and social values in order to restore our traditional culture and rejuvenate our people after The System has fallen. New videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8am PT/11am ET.

Minds That See


2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. I am posting here videos which are very important for those who are seeking the Truth (Jesus Christ) and the truth of what is happening in this crazy upside down world today. I am creating this on Dec. 18, 2021. Please share these important videos with your friends and families so we can cast these seeds of truth far and wide!! And if you don't know the Truth, Jesus, who will set you free to be free indeed, message me and I would love to share how you can know Him, the one who created you to be His own.

$#@! I saw on the internet.


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