High Carb Hannah | Recipes, Weight Loss, and Healthy Living


I have lost over 70 pounds following a whole foods plant based diet and I have shared that entire journey here on my YouTube channel. My main focus is helping people achieve their best health through both mind and body. I focus on eating whole foods, mainly potatoes, rice, beans, and other starches in their least processed state. I make recipe videos, what I eat videos, meal plans and talk about the many other aspects of living a healthy life including positive thoughts, self love, healthy relationships, motivating yourself, living minimally and doing the best for not only our selves but the environment, animals and people on this planet as well. Thanks for watching! https://linktr.ee/hchannah



Meditate to improve the quality of life Meditation is all about focusing on a thought, feeling, or sound to achieve a state of deep relaxation. This relaxed state can help reduce muscle tension and stress, and increase focus and mental clarity. Meditation is accessible to everyone, regardless of religion or culture. It does not require any special tools or instruments, just a quiet place to sit or lie down comfortably. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime and for any length of time, even for just a few minutes a day. To start meditating, choose a quiet time and place where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breath. If you are distracted by external thoughts or noises, don't worry, just bring your attention back to your breath.