Hidayah Channel


Channel ini menyajikan kumpulan ceramah Syekh Imran Hosein yang sudah di alih bahasakan. Bertujuan untuk sedikit membantu penyampaian ceramah supaya bisa menggapai para penonton yang kurang bisa berbahasa Inggris. Channel ini jauh dari kata sempurna jadi mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam alih bahasa. Pemilik akun ini bukan siapa-siapa dan sadar betul bahwa pengetahuan dan keilmuannya tentang Islam sangat-sangat terbatas, hanya saja Allah masih menutup aib pemilik akun ini.

+crash channel+


I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU: Do you love your son or daughter? Do you love your father or mother? Do you love your brother and sister? Do you love your friends? Do you love your life? IF THE ANSWER IS YES: Before getting in the car to travel with family or to work, make sure the car is in good condition for travel. Respect your country's traffic laws. AND NEVER DRINK ALCOHOL BEVERAGES. NEVER USE YOUR PHONE WHILE DRIVING Please watch the channel's videos and see what happens to reckless drivers. when watching the videos on the channel, remember your children, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and friends and drive very carefully on the roads. +CRASH CHANNEL+ is a channel created for drivers and more. Here on the channel you will see videos, with the many imprudence and consequences that occur around the world. If you have any questions, COMMENT ON THE VIDEO or CONTACT US E-mail: crashchannelbrasil@gmail.com