Simon Rilling | Beyond Perception


Willkommen zum Beyond Perception Podcast, moderiert von Simon Rilling, Trainer für kreative Befähigung, Entdecker und Unternehmer. In diesem Podcast entdecken wir "Realität" und "wer wir wirklich sind" jenseits vorgefasster Konzepte und Überzeugungen. Ihr werdet von einer lebendigen Mischung an Gästen mit einzigartigen Perspektiven jenseits von Mainstream und Normopathie hören. Geleitet von der Intention uns zu befähigen ein inspiriertes Leben zu führen. Um zu werden, wer wir wirklich sind.

Rich Roll


Description Thanks for stopping by! I used to be an unhealthy corporate lawyer. At 40 I decided to change my life. I switched to a 100% plant-based diet, lost 50 pounds and started exploring human potential across a spectrum of disciplines: ultra-endurance, wellness, nutrition, mindfulness and spirituality. Now 54, I travel the world sharing what I have learned in talks, books, and on my podcast. I'm also a dad to 4 kids & live in Malibu, California. MY STUFF ✩ WEBSITE - ✩ PODCAST: Rich Roll Podcast - ✩ MEMOIR: Finding Ultra - ✩ MEAL PLANNER - ✩ COOKBOOK - The Plantpower Way - ✩ PATREON - SOCIALS ✩ Instagram - ✩ Twitter - ✩ Facebook - MAIL 29617 Agoura Rd. Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Details For business inquiries: Email: Location: United States

Rock n' Roll Trivia

63 Followers If you are a Rock n' Roll history buff, then Rock n' Roll Trivia is the place for you! Every day, we upload new trivia-short videos. See if you can correctly answer them all! We also upload daily facts about all your favorite rockers. As well as feature rockstars who are no longer with us. Our trivia playlists are designed with 3 levels of expertise, or you can choose to play all the rock n' roll trivia questions with all levels of questions. Don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel for new trivia videos coming your way every day!