The Original Next Level Gaming Verified


We are The ORIGINAL Next Level Gaming, your place for fun game streams, objective & passionate video game talk, and a community like no other NLG is Mike Mullis & Peter Heutink. - Mike's gaming started on the Intellivision and Atari Computers. As a game journalist, he attended 12 E3's, has 3 box quotes to his name, and is even a relief pitcher in 2K's MLB2K7! - Peter's been gaming since the dark ages & the Commodore 64 is his fave. A connoisseur of all platforms, Peter is a master at both single player & multiplayer gaming! The "Original" Next Level Gaming started as a multiplatform website in 2001. Our website is archived at*/

Digging Deeper Original Podcasts


Veteran Radio Broadcasters Andi and Brian Hale dig deeper into realm of critical thinking with segments on health and wellness (Healthy Living), trending news (Truman's Matrix), systemic corruption (The Ugly Truth), and faiths of the world (Faith Matters). Join us LIVE on Friday Nights from 9-11 pm in the central standard time zone. 7-9 pm pacific 8-10 pm mountain 9-11 pm central 10-12a eastern LIVE on RUMBLE or on our website at 1. Healthy Living 2. Truman's Matrix 3. The Ugly Truth 4. Faith Matters Each segment is generally around 30 minutes or less, however some just have to be longer due to the nature of the content. If you have a subject that you would like our research team to dig into, please let us know in the comments, or email the team at If you would like to be on the show, either pre-recorded or LIVE, please text Brian Hale at 940-224-6315 to request an interview. If you would like to advertise on our podcast, we have some great options for any budget. We are here to tell the truth to as many folks as possible. If others help that financially along the way, then they realize we are in this together and we appreciate that team effort. Since we are in Radio, and we are Website and Graphic Developers, Highest Level Programmers and have a Marketing and Consulting Company, we can obviously help. Over 1,000 Websites Developed Over 1,000,000 Podcast Downloads Over 30 years on the Radio in 8 States Over 1,000,000 Reach on Social Media and a personality, to boot. We were created to help others. Take advantage of that. We dare you. - Fearless Leader

Destiny Revival Ministries Verified


Destiny Revival Ministries exists to the equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We are here to impart the glorious good news of the finished work of the Christ. We seek empower God's people to operate in Christ's rich provisions made available to us as a gift from Him. Lastly we are a ministry that is unashamed of the Holy Spirit, His power and His touch in the lives of people. Historically all those who have made a powerful impact for the Kingdom of God in the earth will be able to testify of divine encounters with God in their lives. That encounter is what changes everything. One touch from the Master and we will never be the same.