Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight—Republican Majority Verified


The footage in this video is from a west-facing camera at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. This camera footage is the first of many the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight will be posting exclusively on Rumble. Certain clips throughout the day will appear blurred during specific times when USCP personnel manually zoomed in the camera. The blurring effect was added by the Subcommittee before publishing where a private citizen's face becomes recognizable. This is to protect the identity of private citizens from doxing. Additionally, the time stamp for each individual clip is included in the title.



Many of you reading this will be wondering what has lead you to this page of all places, and I can only assume that it is your own search for the truth that has brought you here alongside fate. It is time that we learned the lesson of human history is one of the few controlling the many because the many submit to the few. Your mind is a powerful tool. Do not let it go to waste. We have purposefully been cut off from achieving complete consciousness and fail to grasp how to utilize its full potential. You & I both seek the truth about our history and wish to learn the many secrets of the Universe. That is why I created this channel, to provide an abundance of knowledge in Areas ranging from The Illuminati, Occult Societies, Egyptian Demi-Gods, Aliens, The Paranormal, Supressed History, Hidden Technologies, Natural Medicine, Adrenochrome Harvesting & Missing Children. This world is controlled by a tiny few because of a simple sequence of imposition & acquiescence, all the way down the pyramid each level imposes and acquieses onto the next level, eventually going down to us, the people and if we acquiese to the level of the pyramid which seeks to impose on us, I.E. the government and police, then we complete the circuit between the tiny few hiding in the shadows and the entire global population, meaning the few are able to carry out their Satanic agenda and impose it upon billions of people. We face a big challenge and it will require enormous courage and incredible determination, but we can not fail because the consequences for humanity are unthinkable. Are you up to the challenge? Will you seek the truth? Will you champion the light & Choose to be a hero? When God created mankind, He gave him something very unique. Man received a free will, so that he could make his own choices according to his own free will. The Fall occurred because man used his free will to listen to Satan. Nevertheless, the way of salvation was made by Jesus Christ with that same free will. It is our duty to use our free will for good and awaken the sleepers in our lives, remember patriots sometimes you cannot tell people the truth, you must SHOW them the truth and it won't be for everyone, have faith in humanity. Every lie will be revealed and the Devil's children will be exposed... GOD WINS Who is Bill Gates? Why did he switch from Microsoft to Vaccines? What is 'COVID-19'? is 5G really safe? Are their Vaccines safe? What is Pizzagate? Who are the Illuminati? Did you know George Soros funds ANTIFA? This channel is for educational purposes only, I am not posting this information to profit from it, I am posting because it is my mission to expose the New World Order and make people aware of the horrific crimes against humanity they are committing. I love my country, God & humanity Thank you for visiting, please subscribe and help spread the message. ************************************************************************************ Note: This channel may contain content that some may find offensive or sensitive, by clicking on the videos on this channel, you consent to this understanding and agree to hold yourself responsible should you notice the world change from a deeper conscious connection. I take no responsibility for how you continue your journey in life, but I admire you for having the determination to continue seeking the truth despite the constant barrage of censorship and many lies put out there by the cult. These days no content is safe from censorship, here are some free video downloaders: 1. Youtube Video Downloader: 2. BitChute Video Downloader: 3. Facebook Video Downloader: 4. Twitter Video Downloader: ************************************************************************************ DISCLAIMER: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal."



VIDEO DEL PERIODO DEL GOVERNO DEMOCRATICO DEL 46°PRESIDENTE USA PEDO JOE BIDEN SVOLTO DAL GENNAIO 2021 AL DICEMBRE 2024 cagacazzi e rompicoglioni non sono graditi sul canale e verranno costantemente bannati da volete cagacazzare andate su youtube o andate su altri canali,che internet è grande..grazie MERDALIA💩 è REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE per queste caratteristiche: una repubblica delle banane ha una società di classi sociali estremamente stratificate,di solito una grande classe operaia impoverita e una plutocrazia della classe dominante,composta dalle élite economiche,politiche e militari.La classe dominante controlla il settore primario dell'economia attraverso lo sfruttamento del lavoro;,il termine repubblica delle banane è un descrittore peggiorativo per un'oligarchia servile che favorisce e sostiene,per tangenti,lo sfruttamento dei lavoratori,delle imprese e l'elusione fiscale all'estero su larga scala Una repubblica delle banane è un paese con un'economia di capitalismo di stato,in cui il paese è gestito come un'impresa commerciale privata per il profitto esclusivo della classe dominante I video hanno lo scopo di intrattenere ed informare la gente.. il presidente della Repubblica italiana ha detto:"Va sempre rammentato che i giornalisti si trovano ad esercitare una funzione di carattere costituzionale che si collega all'art.21 della nostra Carta fondamentale, con un ruolo democratico decisivo. Si vanno infittendo, negli ultimi tempi, contestazioni, intimidazioni, se non aggressioni, nei confronti di giornalisti, che si trovano a documentare fatti. Ma l'informazione è esattamente questo Art. 21 COSTITUZIONE TUTTI hanno DIRITTO di manifestare LIBERAMENTE il PROPRIO pensiero CON la PAROLA,lo SCRITTO e OGNI ALTRO MEZZO DI DIFFUSIONE CANALE DI VIDEO PLAYLIST SU YOUTUBE: CANALE RUMBLE VIDEO DEL PERIODO DEL GOVERNO REPUBBLICANO DEL 47°PRESIDENTE USA DONALD JOHN TRUMP DAL GENNAIO 2025:

California Republican Assembly Verified


Since 1935, the California Republican Assembly (CRA) has been working to elect Republican candidates who stand for Republican principles. As California’s oldest and most influential Republican volunteer organization, CRA’s endorsement is a coveted privilege for those candidates who meet our high standards — conservative, principled, electable, and the overwhelming choice of our membership. When CRA endorses a candidate, we are committing volunteers, resources, and our reputation. President Ronald Reagan called the California Republican Assembly, “the conscience of the Republican Party.”