Oeste sem Filtro Cortes
16,902 FollowersEste canal é dedicado a divulgação e cortes do programa Oeste sem Filtro da revista OESTE que é hoje nossa voz ecoando contra os que são contra os principios da família Brasileira. Deixe um like isso é importante para o canal. Créditos a Revista Oeste que não impede a reprodução de seus conteúdos. ================================================ Se você quiser e puder fazer uma doação para incentivar e ajudar este canal nossa chave pix é pingoeste@gmail.com. ================================================ Sempre na paz que excede todo entendimento PingOestE Cortes.
Cortes do Monark
15,256 FollowersCanal de cortes não oficial. Inscreva-se no canal oficial do Monark: rumble.com/Monark
Monark Talks Cortes
12,310 FollowersCortes do Pod Cast Monark Talks
With Tarot By Janine
7,443 FollowersSending Raves with Tarot By Janine
Oeste Sem Filtro Cortes
7,270 FollowersCanal de Cortes do programa Oeste Sem Filtro.
Monark Talks - Cortes [Oficial]
6,525 FollowersJamesons Travels
5,842 FollowersJT was a Marine for over twenty years and had seen his fair share of action. He served with honor, never wavering from his dedication to the United States of America and its military. Now that he's retired, he has taken up a new mission: exposing stolen valor, woke ideology in the military, as well as some of the fun and crazy things that happen too! Through his Rumble and Locals channels dedicated solely to these topics, Jameson offers an honest take on what goes on behind closed doors - something only those who have been there can fully understand. He speaks openly about issues such as recruitment tactics used by recruiters at times or experiences veterans have when they first transition out of active duty service. But it isn't all serious topics; Jameson also shares stories from overseas deployments where fellow Marines did hilarious pranks or amazing feats which deserve recognition. So if you're looking for real talk about current events in the military landscape - or want to hear some funny stories from combat vets - then subscribe to Jameson's Travels today!
5,637 FollowersCortes do Bolsonaro
4,952 FollowersTudo sobre o Presidente mais amado do Brasil
3,973 FollowersRT DE – Für alle, die kritisch bleiben wollen. RT International gehört zu den renommiertesten Medien-Gruppen mit globaler Ausrichtung und sendet bisher in englischer, spanischer, arabischer, französischer, russischer und deutscher Sprache. Unter den Moderatoren von RT-Sendungen waren der legendäre US-Journalist Larry King und WikiLeaks-Gründer Julian Assange. RT-Dokumentationen und Nachrichtensendungen wurden mit dem Monte Carlo TV Festival Award ausgezeichnet und mehrmals für den Emmy News Award nominiert – unter anderem für die Berichterstattung über die Occupy Wall Street-Bewegung. RT DE steht für Meinungsvielfalt und kritischen Journalismus. Das Denken in Schwarz-Weiß-Kategorien ist bei RT DE fehl am Platz. Wir geben unserem Publikum die Möglichkeit, sich mit vielen Standpunkten auseinanderzusetzen. Nicht nur mit einem. Auch wenn dies manchmal unbequem sein kann. Konsens mag in der Politik unentbehrlich sein, in den Medien sollte er die Menschen aber misstrauisch machen. Mit dem deutschsprachigen Programm bietet RT DE eine Alternative zum Mainstream: Wir gehen der Sache auf den Grund und fragen nach, wo andere zu schweigen pflegen.
Cortes do Guilherme Fiuza
3,894 FollowersNosso Canal tem por objetivo reprisar os melhores momentos do icônico escritor e jornalista Guilherme Fiuza.
3,505 FollowersJamesonsTravels
3,445 FollowersRT en Español
3,244 FollowersTVlibertés
3,121 Followershttps://www.tvl.fr
Raven Moonstone News
2,753 FollowersTruth Seeker
TL Backup 2021
2,609 FollowersVídeos do Terça Livre depois da CENSURA do YouToba dia 3/2/21 transmitidos no Instagram e no Foicebook.
2,503 FollowersByTheBookAndStriderRaven
2,455 FollowersBy The BooK and Strider Raven Art and Music Videos.. Trump Tweets decoded https://open.lbry.com/@ByTheBook:6a?r=YHeqpwpehwnMAXdTxUon1B5REzm8sa36
Cortes da Revista Oeste Oficial
2,437 FollowersCanal oficial de cortes da Revista Oeste.
Jornal da Cidade Online - Cortes Oficial
1,815 FollowersCanal oficial de vídeos curtos do Jornal da Cidade Online https://www.jornaldacidadeonline.com.br/
1,567 FollowersCortes do Terça Livre
1,445 FollowersJornalismo Verdadeiro e 100% Sem Mascara.
Cortes do MBL
1,389 FollowersCanal de cortes do Movimento Brasil Livre
1,388 FollowersUncovering The Hidden Truth
Brave New Normal
1,106 FollowersBrave New Normal is a podcast hosted by Jason James; a former music artist and columnist, and current essayist and screenwriter. Every episode focuses on current events and interesting ideas emerging in the world of politics, film, science and more.
Praveen Mohan - Hindu Temples
1,085 FollowersHi, thanks for landing here! I am Praveen Mohan and I like to travel to ancient sites around the world. My subscribers are awesome and they have helped me appear on TV shows (yes, Ancient Aliens on History Channel also) , magazines, podcasts, etc, etc. I am deeply interested in Ancient Technology and specifically love to research ancient Hindu temples. I appreciate your support for helping me unlock the secret science hidden in temples of India. I love exploring the concepts of Ancient Machining, Vimanas, UFO, extraterrestrials, and recreating the wisdom of our ancestors. Thank you for watching my videos and have a great day!
Jovem Pan Esportes
1,063 FollowersConfira tudo o que rola no mundo dos esportes com a melhor equipe de jornalismo do rádio brasileiro!
Cortes Panico JP
1,060 FollowersCortes do programa Panico Jovem Pan
1,038 FollowersO melhor do Augusto Nunes
924 FollowersOs Melhores Comentarios De Augusto Nunes
Cortes Opinion Free Market e Ancapsu
827 FollowersCortes do Canal Opinion Free Market / Trago trechos do canal do Peter, e do Canal Ancapsu do YouTube, e Videos completos!!!
821 FollowersTimeless Virtues for a New Generation 🇺🇸 Join the fight & be a part of the alternative to the Leftist Agenda ⬇️ For business inquiries contact: press@brave.us
AllatRa TV
793 FollowersALLATRA TV is an International Internet TV of a new format. This is a global media-platform aimed at uniting people all over the world and creating conditions for the development of a creative society. ALLATRA TV is a socially important large-scale project of ALLATRA International Public Movement, the goal of which is to popularize universal spiritual, moral, and cultural values in the world, and to inspire people to make positive changes in themselves and society. e-mail: info@allatra.tv AllatRa TV: https://allatra.tv/en ALLATRA International Public Movement: https://allatra.org/
Doug Barnard
768 FollowersExploring the places less traveled and meeting the people who call those places home. Thank you for watching!
711 FollowersTraveling Robert
691 FollowersRV travel stories from the road, in the USA, and occasionally overseas. Enjoying the journey as much as the destination. We sample the local cuisine, visit the main attractions, and off the beaten path destinations.
642 FollowersCortes do Flow PodCast
619 FollowersCortes do Flow PodCast