A Rood Awakening


Former US Marine, Michael Rood, dares to go where few men have gone before; to challenge long-standing traditions and man-made religious systems and to guide all "who have ears to hear" to a historically accurate interpretation and rational understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures. Michael Rood has earned his reputation as the Messianic matador who waves his tattered red cape in the face of the religious bull of this generation, finally roasting the golden calf of churchianity and serving it up with the leaven-free bread of life. Michael's television series: Prepare for A Rood Awakening! from Israel has been heralded as the most energetic exposition of Scriptural truth to come out of Israel in over a millennium! Visit our video website: http://michaelrood.tv and download the Michael Rood TV App!

Mighty Car Mods


Mighty Car Mods is an independent automotive series created by a couple of friends, Marty and Moog who started filming videos on Martys mum's driveway in 2007. They've come a long way since then but still have an unwavering focus to show their viewers fantastic automotive projects that they can do themselves at home. The MCM boys make cars, and they make movies. In fact they do it all, including the music, editing, and automotive with some help from their friends along the way. Being completely independent, the boys don't have to answer to anyone except their own creative spirit and their focus is on quality over quantity. It doesn't matter if you have a brand new turbo charged beast, or an old banger found in your grandfathers shed. Mighty Car Mods openly embraces anyone who wants to better themselves and their cars through involvement with the MCM Community.

Modder Paul Scambaits


I am a Scam Baiter. I call scammers to waste their time, access their systems and steal their data... My team rescues victims young and old alike and reports everything to the authorities. I am Modder Paul Scambaits. Scammers beware... If you like this content and want to support me, follow me on the links below: My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/modderpaulscambaits My Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/ModderScamBaits #scambaits #scam_baits #scambaiter #scambaiting #scammers #scammer