Follow the Data with Dr Frank
1,476 FollowersFollowing the data to understand what is really going on in the world.
1,300 FollowersRSBN Praying For America With Father Frank
952 Followersfrfrankpavone
746 FollowersFr. Frank Pavone
422 FollowersHere we bring you regular live programming about abortion and the effort to end it. You can watch in the window below or at the various links on the blue buttons below that.
Voter Fraud 2020
131 FollowersVarious clips related to Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election
92 Followerspolitik samhälle musik och hantverk
Internets No1 Warframe/Trucking Channel
62 FollowersAll the latest on Warframe & ETS2 + ATS
44 FollowersFor full shows/all series in HQ + bonus material, go here: ChristopherFrank.TV Follow me on Telegram: Twitter/X: xtopherfranktv
32 FollowersElectionVoterFraud
26 FollowersElection Voter Fraud
23 Followerswarframe
23 Followersnews and walkthrough
19 FollowersVoterFraudEvidence
18 Followersmrfrankthegolden
15 FollowersDrFraudci
14 Followers2020VoterFraud
14 Followerspeterframpton
10 FollowersJenniferFrances
9 FollowersBankster Fraud Intel
9 FollowersBankster Fraud Intel
8 FollowersVideos vom Autor Frank Krause
7 FollowersFrank Krause wurde 1965 in München geboren, ist verheiratet mit Brigitte und arbeitetete über 30 Jahre in der Krankenpflege. Er verfügt über langjährige Erfahrungen im pastoralen Dienst und engagiert sich in der Männerarbeit. Seit einigen Jahren widmet er sich vorrangig dem Gebet, dem Schreiben von Büchern und dem Vortragsdienst
Surf Ranch
7 FollowersTwo Canadian brothers, Lucas & Travis Boychuk, who moved to Nicaragua with only a $1000 and backpacks to build the worlds first action sports resort. It has now grown into 3 locations. Surf Ranch Hotels & Resorts is an international hotel and resort chain started by two Canadian brothers. This channel showcases video of what we do behind the scenes, what we offer and what we are up to next. Subscribe now! Surf Ranch BLOG ► Wear Surf Ranch Clothing ► h INSTAGRAM: - @surfranch - @lukesurfranch - @surfranchpopoyo - @surfranchtamarindo SURF RANCH LOCATIONS: SJDS, Nicaragua ► Tamarindo, Costa Rica ► Popoyo, Nicaragua ►
6 Followersgamerfrancisco
6 FollowersAutorFrankKrause
5 FollowersMirFra
5 FollowersPeterfrancis
5 Followersdrfranciscocardoso
5 FollowersMsarfraz
5 Followersbarfran
5 FollowersKatana Plays Warframe More
4 FollowersJust stuff in Warframe.
4 Followerssanasarfrazofficial
4 FollowersJohnRFran
4 FollowersDr. Franz Hagel Dicht
4 FollowersHier auf meinem Dr. Prof. Franz Hagel Dicht Kanal spiele ich Folgen ein aus meiner Praxis :) Danke fürs anschauen , teilen . Have Fun