Rescueing Dogs, Investing & Trading Cryptocurrency, Gold and Silver!!!


Investing and Trading Cryptocurrency, Gold & Silver to Rescue Dogs Off The Street and Start a Sancturary/Rehabilitation! I am currently an Operations Manager and Volunteer Dog Rescuer. I have a Project Management Practitioner Certification and Bachelor\\\'s of Science in Business. My ultimate goal is to open a dog/animal sanctuary. A non-profit organization is the key to living my dream and Cryptocurrency will be involved every step of the way! If you have a big heart and love Dogs and Crypto, please subscribe! Keep Up The Grind!



¡Bienvenido a E Resumen Militar, Aquí encontrarás una fuente completa y confiable de información sobre asuntos y noticias militares de todo el mundo! Nuestro canal está dedicado a mantenerte al tanto de los desarrollos más importantes en el ámbito militar, desde conflictos internacionales y tecnología de vanguardia hasta análisis estratégicos y reportajes exclusivos. Nuestro equipo de expertos en asuntos militares se esfuerza por brindarte cobertura detallada y objetiva para que puedas comprender mejor el panorama global de la seguridad y la defensa. Únetenos para explorar el emocionante mundo de las fuerzas armadas y estar al tanto de las últimas novedades que afectan a la seguridad global.

Possible DUMB/tunnel cleanouts


I decided to start documenting places in my area that I suspect are being dug up/excavated because they've been used for child trafficking. I'm using my intuition, as well as information I have heard from trafficking survivors, and people involved with rescuing, to guide me in this process.Some of these videos are screen recordings and others are footage of the area when I'm on foot. In the videos I make comments too that will help you be more aware of what to look for in your communities. The more aware we all are of how these heinous activities have gone on, the better off we all are. Most importantly, the more protected our children can be.

Truth to the Rescue


Real Truth always comes with provable and irrefutable proof! This channel\'s intent is to expose the multitude of interwoven grand global deceptions and disclose the Truth, while encouraging all to learn to Question Everything vs take what the World spoon feeds you to be an absolute fact without ever researching the statements and proving to themselves that such things are indeed true. In doing so you will be surprised by how much you have been told since birth and think you know but in reality, have NO IDEA! The Truth you\'ll discover, is often Stranger than Fiction. We create and share in order to wake humankind up to all that has been purposefully hidden from us, in order to control us and rule us, suppressing our God given abilities, freedoms, health and human rights. Custom Created Video Content is released and posted as frequently as possible, as well as creating and placing what we\'ve vetted out to the be the best produced videos on various Truther Topics - which we welcome suggestions for additions to the playlists to expand the archives for future individuals to have an overabundance factual videos reproving all that is fake and fraudulent, in order to wake people up, and ultimately allow Truth do what it does best, and that is ultimately bring people closer to an understanding of their creator in which to help develop their relationship with their Father in Heaven who desires us to know these things as Truth is the Ultimate Protection and Weapon against the wiles of the Devil.

Search and Rescue w/ Scott Robb


There’s only one group of people that can save our country from itself. 1st responders in fire, police and military, both active and retired, are the truly selfless servants we need leading in our communities. For those folks, we’ve created the Search and Rescue Podcast as your ultimate resource. Whether its professional development, peer-led support services, or ways to keep serving beyond retirement, we need you with us in this fight. Join us. Work to be the best version of yourself, and together we can restore our great nation’s values one neighborhood at a time. Welcome to Search and Rescue