Cortes do Monark
15,256 FollowersCanal de cortes não oficial. Inscreva-se no canal oficial do Monark:
Stu Does America
14,991 FollowersDo You Remember
14,662 FollowersAllan dos Santos
10,700 FollowersBackup do canal do Allan dos Santos no YouToba, no caso de exclusão do canal lá.
9,125 FollowersWe Are One. We Are Saving The World
You Are Here
8,522 FollowersDavecaresforyou
7,220 FollowersWe Are ONE
6,815 FollowersWe Are ONE Team Shows
Fils de Pangolin
6,460 FollowersTraduction & doublage de vidéos à l\\\\\\\'attention des francophones. Garde à l\\\\\\\'esprit que c\\\\\\\'est du doublage, et que les propos contenus dans les vidéos doublées n\\\\\\\'engagent que leurs auteurs et en aucune manière Fils de Pangolin. Si tu viens dans les commentaires en croyant dénoncer que le choix des vidéos que je double est orienté, c\\\\\\\'est que tu dépasses probablement pas les 25 de QI et tu mériterais de finir en tendance Twitter avec le #CaptainObvious épinglé au derrière. Bien sur que c \\\\\\\'est orienté, je ne prétend pas être objectif, j\\\\\\\'ai ma vision du monde et elle est subjective, c\\\\\\\'est pareil pour toi, pour tous les journalistes et plus largement le cas pour tous les individus qui peuplent cette Terre. Je revendique l\\\\\\\'honnêteté plutôt qu\\\\\\\'une fausse objectivité. Twitter : @FilsDe_Pangolin Facebook : Soutiens ma chaine sur :
Clyde Do Something
6,372 FollowersMechanic, Dad, Canadian. I care about self determination and the freedom to live life as you see fit.
6,210 FollowersAdam Does Movies
5,788 FollowersWelcome to Adam Does Movies! I'm Adam Olinger and I love talking about film! I also love to entertain through humor which I hope separates me from a lot of other movie critics out there. If you are looking for weekly movie reviews, movie rants, funny skits and other movie-based content, you have come to the right place! I take this hobby very seriously and know that people have a lot of options now when it comes to movie criticism. I take pride in the videos I put out and even though I'm incredibly passionate about film, I also don't take it seriously. Over the years, this channel has been featured on Watchmojo's Top 10 Underrated Channels, has garnered millions of views, hosted dozens of amazing guest critics and has become a huge part of my life. I've met some awesome fellow movie buffs both online and in person who just want someone to talk film with. Hopefully you join the channel and laugh along with me. I would love to have you!
Everything you think you know are lies
5,577 FollowersVideos of truth concerning the Deep State and the ongoing war to defeat the Satanist creatures who have enslaved us.
We ARE The People UT (Official)
5,354 FollowersWe ARE The People is focused on defending the Constitution by taking control of our backyards. Our mission is to expose and hold accountable politicians who are abusing power and destroying our country. Information warfare, based in Utah.
Cortes do Bolsonaro
4,950 FollowersTudo sobre o Presidente mais amado do Brasil
Arthur do Val
4,774 FollowersVote Beraldo Federal 4488
3,941 FollowersRT DE – Für alle, die kritisch bleiben wollen. RT International gehört zu den renommiertesten Medien-Gruppen mit globaler Ausrichtung und sendet bisher in englischer, spanischer, arabischer, französischer, russischer und deutscher Sprache. Unter den Moderatoren von RT-Sendungen waren der legendäre US-Journalist Larry King und WikiLeaks-Gründer Julian Assange. RT-Dokumentationen und Nachrichtensendungen wurden mit dem Monte Carlo TV Festival Award ausgezeichnet und mehrmals für den Emmy News Award nominiert – unter anderem für die Berichterstattung über die Occupy Wall Street-Bewegung. RT DE steht für Meinungsvielfalt und kritischen Journalismus. Das Denken in Schwarz-Weiß-Kategorien ist bei RT DE fehl am Platz. Wir geben unserem Publikum die Möglichkeit, sich mit vielen Standpunkten auseinanderzusetzen. Nicht nur mit einem. Auch wenn dies manchmal unbequem sein kann. Konsens mag in der Politik unentbehrlich sein, in den Medien sollte er die Menschen aber misstrauisch machen. Mit dem deutschsprachigen Programm bietet RT DE eine Alternative zum Mainstream: Wir gehen der Sache auf den Grund und fragen nach, wo andere zu schweigen pflegen.
Cortes do Guilherme Fiuza
3,893 FollowersNosso Canal tem por objetivo reprisar os melhores momentos do icônico escritor e jornalista Guilherme Fiuza.
La France libre de Campagnol
3,574 FollowersChaîne de résistance à l'épidémie de sottise qui sévit en France
Canal de Brasilia
2,906 FollowersCanal criado para Lives, entrevistas, comentários e análises. Lembre-se: você pode não concordar comigo - mas eu tenho o compromisso de não silenciar. O conteúdo do Canal de Brasilia é produzido pelo jornalista Alfredo Bessow
2,632 FollowersCitizen News Punditry since November 4th, 2020. These news punditry shows are done by Ash and began after the November 4th, 2020 election. It was his attempt to show others in the future and during his time, that some people stood up during this time and fought for their freedom and that of the world, when our leaders turned on us and tried to implement their "New World Order". Know that some stood tall while others misinformed and profited from these times. Some simply searched for the truth. In a time of lies. All opinions are my own. ***Please share any parts of any videos you want, I claim no copyright, all videos are public use. Thank you friends. I am on UgeTube here: I will go on with this work as long as I can. Hopefully until mass arrests happen. Update November 11th, 2024: Donald Trump has won the 2024 election. This channel will continue to monitor the news and report on factual events that continue to happen in Trump's second term. Thank you. Ash
Are We Living In The Last Days
2,608 FollowersBiblical prophecy is unfolding around us. This channel is dedicated to showing the evidence of soon return of Jesus!
We Are The News Now: WWG1WGA
2,038 FollowersSince truth is something the MSM gave up long ago.
We Are The NEWS
1,459 FollowersAny truth and humor
Cortes do Terça Livre
1,444 FollowersJornalismo Verdadeiro e 100% Sem Mascara.
💥Periodista Roberto Carlo Olivares💥
1,418 FollowersCanal del Periodista venezolano exiliado Roberto Carlo Olivares (Luchando contra la censura)
Cortes do MBL
1,389 FollowersCanal de cortes do Movimento Brasil Livre
CharLee Simons Presents Do Not Talk
1,320 FollowersIt is about exposing political blindness to a certain point of view, the bad conduct of politicians, the media, and those that support them. I am no longer interested in waking the sheep; My goal is to awaken the other lions. The two things I was always told not to talk about are politics and religion… What, are you kidding?! Those two topics are what I am most passionate about… Let’s take a ride…
Première de Couverture
1,240 Followers💥Aidez-nous à stopper la censure de la Big Tech en faisant 3⃣ choses très simples, au choix 💥\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n1⃣ Inscrivez-vous sur notre liste d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'abonnés :\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n2⃣ Soutenez notre travail sur\\\\\\\\nAlors que nous subissons différentes formes de pressions, vous pouvez soutenir notre travail sur Tipeee pour encourager le journalisme indépendant. Si vous le pouvez, soutenez-nous par exemple à hauteur de , 1€ /mois le temps que vous pouvez. Merci par avance de votre soutien !\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n3⃣ Suivez-nous partout et partagez !\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n👉Suivez-nous sur Odyssée :\\\\\\\\n👉Suivez-nous sur Rumble :\\\\\\\\n👉Suivez-nous sur Gab :\\\\\\\\n👉Suivez-nous sur Twitter :\\\\\\\\n👉Suivez-nous sur Facebook :\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n4⃣ Dites nous sur quel réseau social vous préférez être : 👍
le Réveil des Moutons
1,164 Followerschaîne et site réinformation
1,161 FollowersTous les jours Richard Boutry, ancien présentateur sur France Tv et TV5 Monde, vous propose une chronique d‘une minute sur des faits d‘actualité ou des sujets plus intemporels, qu‘il traite avec une patte à la fois journalistique et personnelle. Soutenez financièrement La Minute de Ricardo En cliquant ici
Radio-Québec Média : Service de traduction.
1,116 FollowersExtraits d'émissions et d'entrevues diffusées sur les ondes de Radio-Québec en versions traduites et sous-titrées.(Traduction de courtoisie).
Clive de Carle
1,088 FollowersNatural Health & Electrohealing devices wizard!
Bastidores do Brasil
1,067 FollowersEste canal foi desmonetizado pelo youtube. Seu apoio (com qualquer valor) é essencial Pra quem quiser apoiar o canal Pix (email) Pix (telefone) 63 9 9235 8737 Pra quem não usa pix: Banco do Brasil Ag. 5921.8 Cc. 20.653-9 Ricardo Lucena Cruz
We Are Good Men
979 FollowersSerie documental que aborda la ultima batalla que se esta librando en Europa y en el resto del mundo.
When Opportunity Doesn't Knock
925 FollowersTV Show
O melhor do Augusto Nunes
924 FollowersOs Melhores Comentarios De Augusto Nunes
Do it Yourself
901 FollowersDo it yourself with links to purchasing the items in the video for setup