Rafael Hungria é psicólogo, pesquisador e orientador em Dakila Pesquisas, uma associação que tem como objetivo investigar diversas áreas do conhecimento, buscando preencher as lacunas que a ciência tradicional ainda não conseguiu. Desde 1999, vem realizando pesquisas e trabalhos com grupos de pessoas no mundo todo, visando o despertar da consciência e unificar conhecimentos das diversas tradições do passado, buscando a verdade por trás de tantas mentiras e distorções científicas e religiosas. Através de uma Parceria única e especial, tem como compromisso resgatar e devolver a Luz do Conhecimento à humanidade!

Amanda Fay Willis


Hi! I'm Amanda Willis. I empower families to wellness authentically through Biblically rooted principles. I have a vision to see mams empowered as the gatekeeper of their homes, keeping the toxic out, while living with the energy and vitality they need to create a life giving environment for their family and community. On this channel, I'll be sharing the tips, tricks, and tutorials I've learned that have transformed my own family's health and home as well as those of my members and their families with the desire to bless as many people as possible. I filter life through the lens of Scripture and that includes health and health practices. If this sounds like the channel for you, welcome! I'm so glad you're here! Disclaimer: The information on this channel is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA & is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Rafael Felipe - AlphaCripto


ANÁLISES, TUTORIAIS E OPERAÇÕES FINANCEIRAS DIÁRIAS AO VIVO DENTRO DO UNIVERSO CRIPTO (BITCOIN, ALTCOINS, DEFI, METAVERSO E GAMECOINS) S&P500, IBOVESPA E DAS PRINCIPAIS BOLSAS DE VALORES ESPALHADAS PELO MUNDO! Canal idealizado por um Advogado, Pós Graduado em Economia com Especialização em Blockchain Objetivo: Registro de Análises Gráficas e Fundamentalistas do Mercado Financeiro, com foco no Mercado de CriptoMoedas / CriptoAtivos / Ativos Digitais Aqui não tem mágica, não tem esquema, não tem pirâmide, apenas MUITO, MAS MUITO TRABALHO, ESTUDO, EMPENHO, DEDICAÇÃO E PAIXÃO POR ECONOMIA. ⚠ Atenção: As análises técnicas e fundamentadas comentadas neste canal são para fins de estudo e aprendizado. Não faço recomendações de compra ou venda, não faço indicação de investimentos. ⚠ NUNCA JAMAIS entre neste mercado sem estudo e/ou colocando um valor que lhe será necessário, principalmente no curto prazo.

Rafael Di Furia - Not Your Average Globetrotter Verified


I'm an Italian/American guy living in portugal after 5 years full-time in Italy. Just taking life one day at a time and enjoying every moment... Not quite your average globetrotter ;) Not Your Average Globetrotter (NYAG) is a series made up of video podcasts and travel vlogs for both expats and globetrotting explorers traveling around the world. Moving abroad is quite an undertaking, I wanted to share information and experiences with others in hopes of helping people to avoid a difficult transition into life abroad.

The Karah Life - Ostomy +


Ostomate tips & living blessed w/autoimmune! This channel is focused on tips - my experiences, (NOT medical advice) as an ileostomate, IBDer & w/autoimmune disease. I’m learning how to navigate life w/o my colon, dodging dehydration & other ai’s. I hope the info here will be helpful to anyone who can relate as a patient or caregiver. I will also share at times about my life w/dogs, life in recovery (not just addiction but codependency & medical PTSD too) and anything that can try to rob us of enjoying the abundant life God desires us to have. One definition of the name "Karah" means "blessed". Lets be real; Life can be rough sometimes. "Living the Karah Life" is about being honest & real. It’s choosing to be grateful for our blessings - even in the face of hardships. It’s about being a blessing to others regardless. I hope this channel is a blessing to you! 💜 Karah