Pangea - Per un Mondo senza Guerre


PANGEA è un programma TV di politica internazionale a cura del Comitato No Guerra No Nato (CNGNN, Italia), APS Per Un Mondo Senza Guerre (Italia) e Global Research (Canada). Contribuisce a colmare il vuoto di informazione e contrastare la disinformazione dei grandi media sulle questioni nodali da cui dipende il nostro futuro e la nostra stessa vita. Trasmette in anteprima su Byoblu (canale 262 del digitale terrestre, canale 462 Tivùsat e canale 816 Sky) ogni venerdì alle 20:30, con 10 repliche nei giorni successivi. Ciascuna nuova puntata sarà disponibile anche online su , sul nostro sito e sul nostro canale Telegram CONTATTI Visitate il nostro sito Per qualsiasi informazione, domanda o proposta, scriveteci a , cercheremo di rispondervi al più presto. SOSTEGNO Se desiderate sostenere il nostro lavoro, vi preghiamo di fare una donazione su .

The Peer to Peer Podcast Verified


Live from the nation's capital, DC policy experts discuss the intersection of Bitcoin and politics. Brian Morgenstern is head of public policy for Riot Platforms, one of the world's leading Bitcoin mining companies. He previously served as White House deputy press secretary and deputy communications director for President Trump. He was also senior advisor and deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department. Sam Lyman is director of public policy at Riot Platforms and a Forbes Digital Asset Contributor. He previously served as policy director for a DC-based think tank and as chief speechwriter for Senator Orrin Hatch.


NEWS YOU CAN TRUST. We live in a complex world. Mainstream media rarely tells us the whole story. provides verifiable, uncensored information on major corruption and cover-ups, as well as stories and solutions that inspire us to work together for the greater good. Core topics: COVID Corruption Privacy and Technology UFO Disclosure Military Intelligence Corruption Election Fraud Media Manipulation Health and Food Corruption Big Pharma Profiteering Mind Control 9/11 Cover-Up Banking and Finance Near Death Experiences Follow our work: Follow us at Substack: Subscribe to our free weekly newsletters:

The Book of Colossians Chapter 3 Verified


Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale, CA. For more of Pastor Scott's teaching 24x7, visit her website at Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to let Pastor Scott know you've watched the teaching. She appreciates getting messages from viewers and will often read them during live broadcasts. Follow @Pastor_Scott on Twitter. Download Pastor Scott's "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store. Pastor Scott can also be seen on Roku on the "Understand the Bible?" channel. For more information visit

Helo Hounds - DCS World Helicopter Channel


Welcome to Helo Hounds, our channel is dedicated to bringing immersive DCS World content, with a focus on flying helicopters in the flight sim. Join us as we explore the vast and beautiful world of DCS World, and experience the thrill of flying some of the most iconic and powerful helicopters in the world. Currently DCS World offers the UH-1H (Huey), AH-64D (Apache), SA342 (Gazelle), Ka-50 (Blackshark 3), Mi-24P (Hind), and the Mi-8MTV (Hip) as core (paid for) modules. One great community project to mention is the H-60 (Blackhawk). So if you're a helicopter enthusiast, or just love the excitement of flight sims, be sure to subscribe and join the Helo Hounds community!! Also it's giving me the chance to learn video editing and content creation as a whole.... It's a journey and I would like to hear all of your constructive feedback as I am a total noob to content creation and would like for you to all get some good entertainment from this channel!