Café Weltschmerz


Het gesprek als bron voor verandering Café Weltschmerz gelooft in de kracht van het gesprek en zendt interviews uit over actuele maatschappelijke aandachtsgebieden. Wij gebruiken burgerjournalistiek als middel voor verandering. Onze interviewers zijn autonoom dwarsdenkende deskundigen uit een relevante branche. Elke aflevering heeft een ‘hoofdrolspeler’ met een ‘verhaal’, dat wet- en regelgeving raakt en een grote impact heeft op de samenleving. In confronterende maar open gesprekken wordt de kern van de problematiek binnen het onderwerp zichtbaar gemaakt. Centrale thema’s zijn: democratie, politiek, economie, financieel, veiligheid, onderwijs, milieu, klimaat, zorg, arbeid, wet- en regelgeving, openbaar bestuur en tot slot binnen al deze onderwerpen, innovatie. In de gesprekken worden de fundamenten van de democratie en rechtstaat benoemd. Wij zoeken naar knelpunten binnen het systeem en met de blik op de toekomst. Het gaat daarbij zowel over datgene wat wij als samenleving fout doen, als het zoeken naar oplossingen.



I am a practising Barrister of England and Wales. The BlackBeltBarrister® channel provides you with free legal guidance and explains different aspects of law, legal principles, and, procedures. Legal advice can be very expensive and you will usually have no knowledge when you encounter a legal problem. This channel is not a replacement for formal legal advice (nor should it be taken as such). My videos will not solve all of your problems but they will help you to understand more about the law so that you are in a better position. Lawyers often disagree and decisions of the courts can never be guaranteed but the more prepared you are, the better! For formal advice, please contact If you want to send something: ShenSmith PO BOX 7635 Lichfield WS14 4NT (Royal Mail only) Barristers regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

Belt of Truth 1


THE FIRST PIECE OF ARMOR LISTED IN EPHESIANS IS THE BELT OF TRUTH; HENCE THE NAME, Belt Of Truth 1 - "STAND FIRM THEN, WITH THE BELT OF TRUTH BUCKLED AROUND YOUR WAIST" -EPHESIANS 6:14A I am a sinner saved by the grace & mercy of a loving holy God through the redemptive work of His righteous Son who died to pay the cost of sin. Most of these videos are short 5 minute or less clips that highlight a particular truth. My intent in creating this channel was to demonstrate that there are many preachers of the Word out there, some unknown from small churches, who are pointing people to the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). However, I may not necessarily endorse all who are posted here. It should always be incumbent on one to examine the Scriptures to see if these things are true (Acts 17:11).

Mike Waltz


Colonel (Ret.) Mike Waltz is a combat-decorated Green Beret, National Guardsman, former White House and Pentagon policy advisor, small business owner, and Congressman representing Florida. Mike has served his country his entire life, graduating from the Virginia Military Institute, serving 27 years in the U.S. Army, the National Guard, and now in Congress. As a veteran, Mike knows how to accomplish a mission for his country. Mike is the first Green Beret elected to Congress and has served multiple combat tours in the Middle East and Africa, where he earned 4 bronze stars including two for Valor. Mike currently serves as a senior member on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House Intelligence committee. His commitment in Washington, D.C. is the same now as it was in combat: to serve with everything he has, without regard for his own self and with a sense of duty for. Mike is determined to be part of the new generation of servant leaders in Congress who lead by example with their values and deliver results.