Il Profeta Dei Complottisti


Questo canale è unicamente creato a scopo didattico, tutti i video e i loro contenuti sono di proprietà dei loro rispettivi autori. In nessun caso ci riteniamo responsabili dei contenuti e i consigli indicati nei video qui caricati, altresì non garantiamo la loro veridicità. Il canale tratta diversi temi tra i quali satira, divertenti e parodie. Mi trovate su Instagram: **** Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

Crippy Rob "The Political Pothead"


Cannabis Connoisseur - Political Pothead - Cannabis Convict My name is Robert AKA Crippy Rob. I am not a Crip and I am not crippled. ‘Crippy’ is a cannabis strain. I am a Christian, a husband, and father. I was indicted and convicted of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana in 2012. I’m a Florida Medical Cannabis Card holder. As a passionate cannabis advocate, the goal of my channel is to make cannabis legalization a mainstream part of the conservative movement. I want to raise awareness and FUCK THE CURRENT 🇺🇸 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CANNABIS LAWS.

School of Imagination


The School of Imagination is the only real school on this plane of existence. Is made by over worked tired factory workers, considered to have criminal minds, broken lives, and no chance, whatsoever, to achieve what the modern world views to be "success". We have isolated some of the most powerful forces in existence: compounding interests, teamwork, dedication to purpose and, most of all, imagination. Dr. N Pyrostein, a living being from the realm of imagination, showed the secrets of using these forces to escape slavery to lowly and miserable factory guy. This band of factory workers have put this show together to pass these teachings on to you while you watch them escape before your very eyes. We hope you pass on these teachings to another who needs to reclaim there imagination.