The Price Hunter is a channel focused on offers and opportunities, it seeks to offer information on prices in different stores in different branches of activities, perfumery, fashion, appliances, electronics, makeup tools and everything that is at an interesting price here in the United States of America. America or wherever I am in the world, you are my guest on this quest. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel like and share so I can keep doing this work. Welcome and enjoy!

Provider Ranking System™ (PRS) and Healthcare Pricing Guide™ (HPG)


(1) Quality: Provider Ranking System™ (PRS), The Largest and Most Accurate Data Available on Medical Providers in The U.S. This tool can ensure that you are using the top high performing doctors. (2) Costs: Official Healthcare Pricing Guide™ (HPG), U.S. Medical Benchmark Prices from Transparency in Coverage and Medicare Data. This tool can be used to negotiate fair prices, to ensure that your clients are not overpaying for healthcare.

Price and worship


"Welcome to 'Price and Worship', your go-to playlist for uplifting worship music! Experience the power of worship with inspiring songs from renowned artists like [Artist 1], [Artist 2], and [Artist 3]. This playlist features a mix of classic hymns, contemporary choruses, and spiritual songs to deepen your faith. Subscribe for new music updates! Like and share with friends! Join our worship community: [Social Media Links] 'You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.' - 1 Corinthians 7:23"