Will Johnson
17,489 FollowersFighting for America First
Chlorine Dioxide Truth (Further Light and Knowledge)
4,466 FollowersIf someone wants to learn about Chlorine Dioxide (aka CD or MMS) as a medicine they would first need to understand why it has such negative press from the mainstream media outlets, Pharmaseutical companies, the FDA and on social media. Simply put, IT IS INEXPENSIVE, YOU CAN MAKE IT AT HOME, AND IT WORKS! This does not fit the for-profit business model of any company or regulating government. Anyone that really takes the time to learn about it will find that there are two extremes of people talking about it. The first group (Which you could call the "Newsies") reports that it is fake medicine, snake oil and some kind of toxic-bleach-poison. The other group (Which could be called the "Grass Roots" Group) gives thousands of testimonies of real people who tell how it helped with diseases. infections and other ailments. My mission with these playlists is to find and explain the truths of what CD is and how it can help the body. I also take some time to explain why it gets so much negative publicity from the "powers that be". I have spent about 300 hours in this study and receive no pay for my work. My compensation comes from being able to learn, test and teach about what I have experienced. It will save you money, improve the quality of life and even save lives. I also have a free book for anyone who wants to learn the basics about this as a health suppliment. You can download it from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D_a02nAGICKllfZy9qR1FTM_UZd6hOXP/view?usp=sharing
God will not be mocked 24 7 News
917 FollowersIn all we do we must know God is watching our every move & thought ! End time news-Tv-Radio-24-7 We look for the best news from all over with one goal finding the truth ! Proving the bible is truth ! We have one job on earth ! Warn & save ! Leave no souls behind ! Bible End times-News- Truth-Music-24-7 God willing! We honor all who died , FOR TRUTH! For spreading the words ! Fear God, 1st ! We beg non believers to listen! Msg-best bible versions-! The New message bible taken from the org. Greek text to English-for Us-And a tip from our Angels to yours- They will guide us to our mission! via numbers-Match to the bible for more insight! Angels said without their protection & help, we can not make it ! Pray to God daily thank your Angels ! We all one ! As in the times of Noah who was left and who was taken. ? 8 OF 1 MILLION MADE IT Only ones left was Noah ! Do not get lost ! Basic Instructions before leaving earth=Bible..say what you will but that says it all ! And We all have orders from above its in the book... ! Leave no soul behind your orders ! e ! Go and sin no more.. ! God wants them all even,the most wicked ! The evidence of God is not hard to prove ! The bible is proven as real history more than enough to win even in a crooked court house ! We try to prove it daily ! The river is dry & springs are opened in the desert ! 2k year old prophecy-filled in 2023 ... On bit Bastyon -X- spreading truth- Debunking rapture ! Msg vs-Kjv-bible daily- Msg is for Americans ! New message bible for Americans-! Taken from the Org Greek text to American English We know for a fact its clear as day ! Test it read it ! Save yourself only way is if you know the book no preacher or teacher can read it for you ! You have to pray for wisdom after you repent ! Repent pray daily do not stop keep God on your mind and you win ! Bible says-spiritually urges you to rid your mind of judgment. Look for Angels via numbers like- #4950 biblical meaning warns you that judging others is not your role but that of the universe. There is a higher being with greater authority and power to judge. Angel number Meaning of Number #7700 Symbolically A humble spiritual heart is a servant of humanity. The task of preparing people for the epic journey to leave this earth falls on you. It may not be viable now, but gradual progress will be inevitable. As you slowly gain ground, they will start coming to you for your wisdom and teaching. So, continue serving humanity in the different capacities you can. Eventually, your reward will be more glorious. RTG Radio produced For all!s - Trying hard to walk in love & peace ! 1965 saw my little bro get the vax and change with day after his vax ( i saw nurse giving shots i slid out back door tried to take my 7 yr old bro but the milk & cookies sucked him into the mark ) He suffered till it killed him in his 30's Mom dad same got cancers and dead from their vax's 1965- I am Un-vaxed, but got the shed,Jesus, Saved me Twelve Hours of burning blow torch like pain from inside my body...could not stand or sit ! So painful I would have let any one taken my life to stop the pain ! But I took it to God ! After 12 hours of prayer, by a loved one ! Healed !Thank you Angels and God ! We must be Full of the word & truth ! We try to be up lifting! With great tunes & the views of the beach & sunrises & sunsets . For the truth sets us all free ! Bringing you the best for the next 1k years God willing rule number 1 is to fear your not doing as God asked ! The answer to the question is how do we do it ! What if You could live for ever ? Would you not look for it like Gold or silver ? Only One way out when your on a one way street is with the truth -want some follow us ! Buy-Truth-Never-sell-it- Truth sets us free so pray for wisdom to get it ! #Walk-In-Love you 99.9% their ! Not if God is real but he is, now what you gonna do about it ? For starters read the last chapter pray for wisdom so you get it and watch your life flip as the table will soon The meek will take over #All God is is truth and love that is God ! Your maker your father please look for him ! Run To God Radio -because walking never won a race ! ...truth sets us free..love is the key , we are not here to judge..but to save...before the end...than its too late...if we do not warn evil then we die too with them.,...! With all saying fear God find truth ! Help the poor ! only one way to the kingdom is via Jesus ! The only way ! Trust in no man for their is no good men on earth ! #StepOne #Repent daily #Pray for wisdom on how to pray and never stop ! Pray do not stop they need to kill you before your saved! We and you are -Destined for Greatness Meaning A person is said to be “destined for greatness” if they are thought to have the capacity or aptitude to achieve great achievement or distinction in their life or work. Follow us ! Buy-Truth-Never-sell-it! -Thank you, God bless all of you !!!
The Way of Will John
549 FollowersProfessional Footballer Will John discusses things he has absolutely no idea about.
The Jerry Wills Show
417 FollowersLIVE and Prerecorded Talk Show covering opinion of the host and guests, the paranormal, exploration, and science
Deleted YouTuber Who WILL NOT STOP!
375 FollowersI was a car vlogger and then I found the truth. Now I bring the truth to you with NO media spin. UNITED WE STAND! INFORMATION IS POWER!
Would you like to lead a healthy lifestyle?
368 FollowersLiving a healthy lifestyle means working out, eating well, and getting enough rest. Don't forget to relax, and drink water, Taking care of yourself and making little changes can boost your well-being and help you live longer. watch videos to learn more. Enjoy! How to earn money online for free no investment https://lltrco.com/?r=sigmania0 https://lllpg.com/5nphj84w/ https://tinyurl.com/3s9djnkb https://tinyurl.com/5bspys4j
Ethio Forum News will provide you daily news in Amharic.
304 FollowersEthio Forum News will provide you daily news in Amharic. Ethiopian news, Abebe Belew, zehabesha
We Must Take A Stand Today For Christ If you wont stand for something you will fall for anything
281 FollowersWe Must Take A Stand Today For Christ! Today Before It Is Too Late! Visit Our Site: https://christianwarooms.com
Will Do Freedom
257 Followers"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"
This Group will expose everything against Humanity!
257 Followershttps://t.me/truthpills
Will You Go to Hell For Me
249 FollowersThe Truth will set us free
235 FollowersWe expose the truth about the hidden world we are living in
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." ~ James A. Garfield
223 FollowersI produce alternative independent media that cuts through mainstream lies and deceptions. ALT SITES: 1. instagram.com/dablunttruth/ 2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAup8KJHCLQqpeH1Qj4F5dQ SUPPORT: If you feel led to support my efforts you can do so via any of the following links. 1. patreon.com/DaBluntTruth 2. https://mega.nz/aff=zcjQcR1RTEA (Free PRIVATE Cloud Storage) 3. https://paypal.me/DaBluntTruth?locale.x=en_US) Thank you!
Le vaccin COVID 19 contient de l'oxyde de graphène
149 FollowersCette chaine s'appuit principalement sur des traductions en français des recherches de la Quinta Columna (Espagnol) pour apporter les preuves de la présence d'oxyde de graphéne dans les vaccins contre le supposé virus du COVID 19 et tenter de découvrir quel sont les buts de cette opération globale.
I will be your Church Podcast
96 FollowersChristian Podcast
Fala Will
93 FollowersSeu canal conservador com discussões diretas, entrevistas impactantes e conteúdo exclusivo sobre geopolítica, política, sociedade e cultura
John8 - Truth Will Set You Free
76 Followersmirror of John8 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClnCX6HZNdjYcFjv-hAI_tg Also see John8.net: https://john8.net
The Old World with Will Tanner
75 FollowersLife Before Liberalism
You Will Be Back!
71 FollowersRemeber back when Youtube was good? Exactly!
The vax will harm you
The Will Anderson Show
63 FollowersThe Most Prolific Political Podcast On The Planet
Elegant Natalia Sense will enchant you with her grace!
59 FollowersHello Everyone! I am Natalia from Ukraine. Welcome to My Sport&Style Art Channel! I am a Creator of Yoga Art and Stretching Art. Yoga Art and Stretching Art has Become a Popular YouTube Trend Followed by Millions of Viewers Around the World and Copied by Millions of YouTube Channels! Inspired by Renaissance Beauty and Art, I am Combining as Visual Creative Arts — Stretching Skills and Yoga Exercises, Music and Fashion, Visual Design Ideas and More! Yoga and Art are the Best for Mind, Body and Soul. When Yoga is Art, Art is Yoga, Art is Our Life! And We are All — the Creators! I am Grateful to Every Subscriber of My Channel ❤️ Grateful to YouTube for Being the Best Platform in the Universe, for Being Universal Platform to Unite Hearts, Souls and Minds! I Believe Yoga, YouTube, Beauty and Art Always Unite Hearts! Support My Channel ❤️ PayPal ~ http://paypal.me/NataliyaSidoli Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/nataliasense/ My Published Books ~ https://linktr.ee/Nataliasense
Train your BRAIN and your voice will follow
57 FollowersTheVoiceClub.com Unlearn, unlock & uncover what your voice can REALLY do - at the only place dedicated to training you how to be your own best vocal coach - TheVoiceClub.com Join master vocal coach, vocal repair specialist & professional singer Kim Snyder in discovering how most of what we\'ve been taught has been disproven by science, how most vocal problems are actually caused by bad teaching & uncover what\'s really standing between you and mastering that voice for good.
Videos That Will Make Your Day ❣️
55 FollowersWill_Of_The_People
53 FollowersWill Reacts
51 FollowersPolitical Commentary including wide variety of opinion and information on current news and issues
Living in the Divine Will - Divine Will - Luisa Piccarreta
44 FollowersEnglish contents on the Gift of the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Living in the Divine Will\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' - Fiat
The Will Marotti Show
44 FollowersTalk about culture and politics with the #CommonSenseEvangelist | Guests & LIVE callers.
War Russia - Ukraine Videos
43 FollowersGraphene Oxide and How It Gave Me Morgellons Disease ( Funk Around and Find Out )
42 FollowersBecause I was deleted from YouTube almost immediately. Some videos are out of order. I uploaded them in the correct order, and no matter how many times I delete and re upload it still does it. Just another way the Matrix likes to fuck with me i guess 😂 This channel started out about frequencies. I started it to explain Rife Frequency Technology to the average civilian. I was going to cover how frequencies relate to manifestation, the matrix, souls, higher selves, aliens, God, and how they are used every day in the world around you, while the general population remains oblivious to the subject. Because of Events that have happened in my life, especially over the last year, I have uncovered the truth about a TRUE EVIL. Now I spend my limited time creating videos disclosing what I know about GRAPHENE and GRAPHENE OXIDE, aka the “BLACK GOO,” and how it has caused me to develop MORGELLONS DISEASE. This substance is THE BIGGEST THREAT TO HUMANITY, and it has taken precedence over absolutely everything else in my life. Nothing is the same as it was just a year ago. I talk about what GRAPHENE OXIDE is, why “They” want to impose it upon the human population, its painful effects, and how it has caused MORGELLONS DISEASE, among other symptoms. I explain how it is literally IN EVERYTHING. In the food, in the water, and in the beauty products that you consume daily. I provide physical PROOF. I show EVIDENCE, I cite research and I show you my experiments so you can see for yourself that GRAPHENE OXIDE is indeed in EVERYTHING. I show you how GRAPHENE OXIDE reacts to energy such as ( but not limited to ) Electro Magnetic Fields and 5G frequencies, because after all, this subject ( as well as everything else! ) is still closely related to frequencies I will talk about how to detox from this poison, and what you can do to try and limit your exposure to it. This Channel is for anyone who knows about the dangers of GRAPHENE OXIDE, those suffering from complications from the Vax, or who have developed mysterious unexplainable symptoms over the last few years, and of course everyone who is trying to rid the NanoTech from their blood. The Matrix does not want the the general public to know about this substance and what it is doing to you. This information is a strait up ATTACK ON THE MATRIX! This disclosure is my only way of fighting back. Since I am only one man, standing up to a nefarious Kabal with nearly unlimited resources and manpower If you do not understand my preceding statements, or seem confused by what I am talking about, I strongly urge you to TURN BACK NOW! Exit this page immediately. Go back to sleep. Enjoy the Matrix with the remaining time that you have got left in blissful ignorance. For those of you who remain… WELCOME TO MY RABBIT HOLE… IT’S DARK DOWN HERE…
Graphene Oxide Info
42 FollowersInteresting, sometimes scary information on the experimentation & applications of graphene oxide.
NFL Playoffs! Who Will Win?
42 FollowersThanks for watching! Subscribe if you enjoyed this video, It means a lotI* thanlk you *
This Will Make You Rich
41 FollowersI want to free you from financial slavery.
Will Fly Paramotor PPG
32 FollowersThe fun of learning to fly paramotors!
31 FollowersAussie Streamer, Gamer channel. Happy 420
Justice will Prevail
31 FollowersWhatWouldEzoDo
30 FollowersIf programming has occurred since birth, would society be able to recognize the level of manipulation? If recognized, would we even care?
29 FollowersThe Story of Jael - Decisiveness, resourcefulness and courage to act in the moment to hinder evil created a profound impact on the masses. Today, the same evil exists as "Nothing is New Under the Sun". In order to have a chance at revealing the very real enemy, knowledge that has been hidden from the masses needs to be shared. May the gathered content be used to expose evil at every opportunity. Let our eyes be opened to the hard truths of our reality and once opened...give us courage to face it. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.