Mark Collett


Mark Collett is a British Nationalist and political activist who has been actively campaigning on a patriotic platform since the turn of the century. The former Head of Publicity for the British National Party and the man in charge of the BNP's successful GLA and European Election campaigns, Mark now works with a variety of groups and individuals within the UK and abroad. Please follow me on: Telegram - Gab - Odysee - If you would like to contribute to my work: BitCoin: bc1qzgjz953f4gznway0hvz6lx360yd2autdkwf6nu Etherium: 0xb44739a8f2c57Cad38F96Aab8F2a0cA18258A7bA BitCoin Cash: qpaaukrttfvq0j99gfl43hhs5q0tmhzfevkhp3r2c9 Monero: 42qypZQGMzNfFa5yXBxkqxL4iDw5cmzbtCC81dKcQbMrhLrsJUYAFSsLs9Um4hG32R5GfaqfgGj7oR6ZJ7pGyaY3FFu9HKD

Lifted InnerTainment


Rabbit Hole Thirty3rd is the first sitcom podcast from Lifted Inner Tainment. This is the complete journey from the life of a very open-minded and free thinker with a conspiracy theorist thought process. Inspired to find the answers in life utilizing the resources from nature for scientific research documentation. Rabbit Hole Thirty3rd gets LIT and delivers the most epic content with each adventurous trip. The conclusion to as many topics discussed for each episode is handled with a proven unique discovery method. Enjoy the complete first season of the Rabbit Hole Thirty3rd: Season About Nothing. Season 2: Never For Nothing post weekly episodes. Like, comment and share Lifted Inner Tainment's golden LIT clips to allow this new sitcom podcast to continue!

KJV Bible Reviewer


-I review KJV Bibles -I believe in Jesus Christ and believe that he was alive, died and rose again. I believe and trust in his gift of salvation and that it can never be lost. I believe that the KJV is the word of God that is without error. I believe that Jesus Christ will return after the great tribulation and will rule on Earth for 1000 years. -I am King James Version Only (KJV Only or KJVO) which means I believe that the Bible was preserved in the KJV for English speaking people and that modern bibles are corrupt: -I believe in once saved always saved (OSAS) and easy believism: -I believe in a pre-wrath, post tribulation rapture: