Welcome to Off Grid Desert Farming News. The BEST NEWS CHANNEL on RUMBLE where we do BREAKING WORLD NEWS of current geo-political events that will affect you and your family and discuss how bible prophecy is unfolding right before our very eyes. So buckle up your seat belts and get ready for a wild ride as we rush headlong into the Apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus Christ. If you appreciate our broadcast consider supporting our channel with: Buy Me a Coffee or links below: PAYPAL: PATREON: GIVE-SEND-GO:

Out Of Shadows (2020) - Documentary Exposing Satanism in High Places


The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

Ufomania - the truth is out there


There are strange things out there "Ufomania - the truth is out there" is an entertainment Youtube Channel. All videos are for entertainment purposes only. "Everything flows in and flows out again. Everything has its tides. Everything rises and falls. Everything is vibration. Nothing is static - everything is moving. The even movement of the pendulum is evident in everything. The swing of the pendulum to the one side equals the swing of the pendulum to the other side. Rhythm equalizes. Overcome rigidity and live flexibility. Whatever is rigid must break apart." Stay safe :)

The Off Grid Tiny House


Subscribe To The Off Grid Tiny House Get My Live Videos here - Help Support Me Here - Daily Vlog Of My Off Grid Adventure The Off Grid Tiny House. The off grid homestead is all about tiny house life. Its also like an off grid cabin. Not yet in the woods I still need to purchase my own land. The off grid solar homestead will have no power unless provided by the sun. Join as I convert a 48" transport trailer into a mortgage free off grid tiny house! With a limited budget see what is truly possible for comfortable living off the grid. Follow me as I slowly build my homestead with videos posted every few days featuring a wide array of topics like... Off Grid living, Solar Power & Solar Panels wiring construction and more. I want to add Wind Power maybe a Wind Turbine. Rain Harvesting on the roof of my Tiny House is a major part of my plans. Rain Catching on the Homestead as well as Water Storage and Water Treatment. I want to eventually become Self Sufficient. It will be a difficult task but a noble goal. Prepping is also a major feature of my off grid living. Preparing for the worst. My Transport Trailer is amazing so far and I cant believe I have never seen homes built with them before. Other topics covered on my channel... Recycling Reusing products for other then one purpose. Tiny House living and is it really a good idea. Tiny Home pros and cons. Gravity Fed Water system and how it will work in my home. DIY building projects of all sorts. Organic food production and indoor growing. My progress and struggles living in a Small House. Affordable tips and tricks. I am a big fan of Conspiracy. So expect me to talk about these subjects at some point. rob mc Construction Wood Updates Off Grid Homesteader Tiny House on Wheels World Mini apartment Review Inverters Battery Batteries Charge Controller Harbor Freight Propane Tour Join my Face Book Group Below for even more updates. Twitch

Breaking Free Off Grid


The name Breaking Free Off Grid is about our journey to live a virtually debt free off grid lifestyle in Idaho. Breaking free from the day to day turmoils of what society says is normal living. This way of life used to be the norm and there is still no reason why it cannot be. Share in our successes and failures as we get schooled by nature, Murphy\\\\\\\'s Law and a new way of living. Not only are we learning how to live in an off grid tiny house on a mountain, but learning how to homestead Idaho style. We hope we can provide off grid inspiration to others that are thinking of making a lifestyle change. Our survival depends on us and our dog "Goose" the mountain Boerboel. Subscribe now and follow our journey.