Innocence Freed uses the love of God to bridge the gap for shelter, healing, and hope for child trafficking and sexual exploitation survivors.
808 FollowersInnocence Freed uses the love of God to bridge the gap for shelter, healing, and hope for child trafficking and sexual exploitation survivors.
Geocentric Zherka
291 FollowersThis is a public service announcement Brought to you, in part, by Geocentric Zherka The views and events expressed here are totally f**ked. And are not necessarily the views of anyone However, the events and suggestions that appear on this channel are not to be taken lightly. Children should not partake in the watching of this channel. Geocentric Zherka is not responsible for your actions.
Parler UFO Center
254 FollowersUFOs, UFO, UAPs, UAP, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, MIBs, BEKs, Strange Phenomena, Ghosts, Mysteries, Aliens, Alien, etc....
The Michael Jackson Innocent Project
217 FollowersFor my other channels and socials check: Michael Jackson has been maliciously slandered and extorted for most of his life. We believe that the time has come to educate the masses on the lies and corruption surrounding the false allegations that Michael has endured. The documentary ‘Leaving Neverland’ is not only an insult to legitimate abuse victims but to investigative journalism. Whilst it was not within our power to stop the film from being transmitted, we commit to fully and wholeheartedly defending Michael’s name. You’ll find a wide range of evidence here that proves Michael’s complete innocence. We invite you to share this information as widely as possible. Let’s do together what the mainstream media refuses to do. TELL THE TRUTH.
174 Followersいま、様々な情報が溢れています。そして、敏感な方は何かしら感じているのでしょう。その中でどんな情報が今の自分にピッタリなのか? それは、全くの自由で個々に判断するべきなのでしょう。 ここでは、様々な情報をランダムにお伝えしようと思っています。 スピリチュアルとか、また特定の宗教によるものではなく、素直に我々人類へのMESSAGEとして考えています。 正直、未来の事など予言もどきな事は信じていません。が、変化の時代であることは感じています。 どうなるか?楽しみです。 動画を作成する際に気をつけていることは、ナレーションを聞きやすく、通勤(電車の中で)や、ジョギングしながら、また、家事をしながらなど聞くだけで伝わるように、ナレーションの”間”やイントネーションなどを自然な感じにと気をつけています。また、元記事のエネルギーを壊すことなく、また、そのまま伝わるようにと考えています。また、私的には特定の宗教などに影響されることなく自由な想いで作成しております。(私自身は無宗教ですが・・・信じる心は強くあります) 動画をご覧になって、何かご意見やご感想がありましたら、コメントをいただければ作成の励みになります!よろしくお願いいたします。 どうぞ、お好きなMESSAGE、今の自分にピンッ!とくるメッセージがあったら幸いです。
83 Followerssomeinnocentdude
79 FollowersGuardians of Innocence
77 FollowersOur goal is to assist people in becoming involved in activism that addresses parental rights and the need for accurate and appropriate curriculum in education. We encourage respectful and non-discriminatory conversations when exchanging ideas with others. As we progress, we plan to organize events and offer strategies and resources to help safeguard children in local communities.
64 FollowersInnocenceFraudWatch
51 FollowerskokoroCentury
51 FollowersInfoCentral
32 FollowersKnowledge is Power
23 FollowersBibi Tatto Central
22 FollowersSejam bem-vindos ao maior e mais atualizada Central de Informações e Entretenimento no YouTube sobre a Influencier, Cantora e Gamer,Empresária, Atriz, Bibi Tatto. 📩: E-mail para contato/Contact e-mail |
21 FollowersGeocentricEarth, DEWs, WeatherManipulation, GMOs, Chemtrails, Shapeshifters, Reptilians and all things hidden!
19 FollowersThis channel is for truths the mainstream media won't tell you and your government doesn't want you to know!
17 Followersbrocenglund
15 FollowersCEO
12 FollowersTheEccentricGeocentrist
9 FollowersNocensor9
9 Followerschildinnocenceproject
9 Followershalocene
7 FollowersGuiltyTilProvenInnocent
7 FollowersLingoCentre
7 FollowersHelping with your English needs and demands
7 Followers初めまして!当チャンネルは、地球の様々なメッセージをお伝えするポータルサイトです。今のあなたにぴったりのメッセージを見つけてください! しかし、メッセージを鵜呑みにすることなく、自分軸を大切に、心に響くメッセージのみを見つけてください!また、既存の宗教とはまったく関係なく、またそれらを、否定するものでもありません。心地良いAIのナレーションで、通勤、通学、どこでもいつでも、メッセージをお聞き下さい!
6 FollowersGeocentrism
6 FollowersGeocencrism proof
6 FollowersShameless Innocence
6 Followerssomebody had to do it.
Guilty Until Proven Even More Guilty
5 FollowersTrue crime
5 FollowersOne stop point for true crime content
Info Central Clips
5 Followersinnocentthabang0
5 FollowersEu_VoceNews
5 FollowersLife and freedom for the innocence of tomorrow
5 FollowersThis channel promotes my campaign for freedom and its primary goals are to build a future for our children. World peace
A kids channel with funny kids clips, and cute kids innocence clips
5 FollowersA kids channel with funny kids clips, and cute kids innocence clips