Overlooked, Unknown, Forgotten and Obscure Earworms


EARWORM [From Wikipedia]: An earworm or brainworm, also described as sticky music or stuck song syndrome, is a catchy or memorable piece of music or saying that continuously occupies a person's mind even after it is no longer being played or spoken about. The choices posted here will be all over the map, but, in my estimation, shine a light on great songs that the world has missed, overlooked or has long since forgotten about. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and if you have a suggestion, please feel free to make a comment.

Gary Gazlay Music - My Score Store Verified


The purpose of GARY GAZLAY - MY SCORE MUSIC, is to provide band directors with PEP BAND,CONCERT BAND, SOLO & ENSEMBLE MUSIC for their instrumental music programs. Some of the compositions were written for my middle school beginning band students as instructional aides to assist them as they were learning their first notes, as well as various rhythms in their band method book. All of the compositions were written with the goal of providing students with “fun” songs that they would enjoy playing by themselves, and performing with others at concerts, and various events. The pep band percussion parts were written for limited percussion. However, this should hopefully allow the more advanced players at each level the opportunity to play along on a quad/quint (if desired), as they create their own unique personal part for each song. It is my hope that all of the compositions will provide students with songs that they will enjoy learning to play, and provide other music educators with a teaching tool that can be used to motivate and encourage their students. https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/myscore

Tenebris Investigations: Descubre los secretos más oscuros


Sombras Inquietantes" "¡Bienvenidos a Sombras Inquietantes! Un lugar donde el misterio y el terror se entrelazan en una danza macabra. Sumérgete en lo desconocido, explora lo inexplicable y descubre los secretos más perturbadores que acechan en las sombras. Prepárate para sentir escalofríos, para desafiar tus miedos más profundos y para abrir las puertas hacia lo sobrenatural. ¿Estás listo para adentrarte en este mundo de enigmas y susurros de ultratumba?"


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