Out & About
7,812 FollowersPat McAuliffe and Joey Camasta host a series of hilarious, no holds barred conversations that will leave you laughing on the floor. Shows air every Wednesday and Friday, with new guests weekly. Headphones required.
Pat McAuliffe and Joey Camasta host a series of hilarious, no holds barred conversations that will leave you laughing on the floor. Shows air every Wednesday and Friday, with new guests weekly. Headphones required.
紛亂世事,正邪大戰,人類文明向何處去?怎樣才能不被表象迷惑?資深時事評論員唐靖遠幫助您穿透表象,洞察事件背後的脈動與因由。 不為搶眼球,不為賺流量,只為在第一時間帶給您真實的信息, 與您分享精準的分析與獨到的見解。 願《遠見快評》陪伴您走過這段不尋常的歲月。 中國歷來是人類歷史變遷的中心舞臺。人類歷史的終局,中國正在發生的事情尤其引人注目。中南海權力角逐,中共內鬥,習近平如何加速中共滅亡的進程,臺海局勢瞬息萬變,臺灣會否在2020年內與美國建交,中美台如何互動,香港《國安法》持續破壞打壓香港人權自由,中美關系進入新冷戰模式,中美貿易戰會否烽煙再起,世界各國將如何應對可能到來的中共病毒的又一輪高潮,川普總統能否獲得連任,2020美國總統大選結果將如何影響美國及世界未來的走向,我們將密切關註以上重大事件。
A channel where you can pick up some info on firearms and also get a good laugh from time to time all while teaching safety and being safe as well.
Vintage firearms collecting
Welcome to Majestic NFT Creations Channel!!! **Positive vibes Only!! no negative vibes** Majestic NFT Creations is a website that is showing off The Mutant Squirrels Collention which are unique NFTs generated from over 30 traits. The Mutant Squirrels are Non-fungible tokens(NFTs)that are being seen and marketed through Ethereum Blockchain. There's a story in every piece, so go and get yourself a squirrel that looks rare to you.
BS and chat
Security Force style Chinese Martial arts from the Liu Yun Qiao Lineage, including Bagua, Baji, Pigua, Praying Mantis various weapons training and health and well being training. From A Western Masters Perspective and in the spirit of evolution of combatives\\n
Sci-Fi • Reviewer • Science • IT • Inter-Locking Bricks • Builder • Interviewer • Split personality enthusiast • 🐙🦊🐭🐼🐵🐷🐯👽🐔🦒
Análises, geopolítica, viagens, antropologia, história, textos, músicas com o Antropólogo João de Athayde
I'm the Lawn Care Nut - I give lawn tips so you can dominate your neighbors.
"Gout and You" is an informative website that delves into the causes, symptoms, and treatments of gout focusing mainly on what gout foods to eat and which to avoid. It provides a comprehensive overview of how this common form of arthritis affects the body and offers practical advice for managing the condition. Gout and You covers dietary recommendations and lifestyle changes that can help control your gout. Whether you're newly diagnosed or looking to better understand gout, Gout and You is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their quality of life while living with the condition.
Fear will not stand in my way.
NO SADNESS ALLOWED Thanks for helping me share my Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, and Primary Lateral Sclerosis with "Coffee times" and "Camping trips" while I still can. Rumble.com Look up TheVanNut
HESHOUTANG has created world #1 natural health system which can deal with the most health issues what people have. Heshoutang offers training opportunities for all common people(no medical or natural health background required) to start their own natural health business because Heshoutang natural health system is easy to learn. Heshoutang qualified members can be your complete healthcare provider to protect your health with Heshoutang Natural Health System. Learn Heshoutang Natural Health System and pass the exam to get Heshoutang Member Certificate and start your own natural health business. Fill out questionnaire, our qualified members will do personal assessment for you to offer the correct health plan for improving your health.
Mutant Chicken: The Crypto That Lays Golden Eggs Tired of cryptocurrency projects that take themselves too seriously? Meet Mutant Chicken, the cryptocurrency that combines humor with solid financial potential. It’s not just a token; it’s a statement. Imagine a mutant chicken laying golden eggs. That’s MUTEGG, powered by the Solana blockchain. Fast, efficient, and ready to revolutionize the crypto market. With Solana’s cutting-edge technology, Mutant Chicken ensures ultra-fast transactions and extremely low fees, leaving behind the slow and expensive networks of the past. Despite its fun and laid-back personality, Mutant Chicken is built on financial responsibility. Whether you’re an experienced investor or a curious beginner, MUTEGG provides a solid foundation for growth.
SNE Channel is intended to show informative, entertaining and funny videos related to all kinds of sports. Hope you enjoy it!
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A podcast about all things Space and Astronomy. News, analysis, education, audience participation and fun! Your hosts are Professor Fred Watson, Astronomer at Large, and Andrew Dunkley, Sci-Fi author & broadcaster.
I am anime fan. All i am going to share is about anime. I want to charm of anime.
A life discovery channel for all things Out and About. Check out our YouTube channel for the interesting and finer things in life... Join us on our trips Out and About. #outandabout #holidays #luxurycars #superyachts #richlifestyle #whatson #cheshire #tripsout
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Political Videos from Mutant_Actual
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