Jennifer Dunn - Holistic Diabetes Nutritionist


Hello there! I’m Jennifer Dunn, holistic nutritionist and certified health and wellness coach. I help determined women balance their blood sugar holistically, without giving up their favorite foods, so they can prevent or reverse diabetes and lose weight. I would love for you to be a part of this community by subscribing. On this channel you will get tips and strategies to reverse diabetes as well as discover how you can achieve optimal health. Learn more about me by visiting:

Nocturnal Frequency Radio


This the Rumble home for the long running paranormal talk radio show Nocturnal Frequency Radio. Started broadcasting live in August 2008 on Blog Talk Radio and have since moved to the New Visions Radio Network. The hosts Steve and Alex cover the paranormal umbrella, from UFOs, to hauntings as well as cryptids and true crime. The live broadcasts can be heard every Sunday night between 9pmEST-11pmEST on the New Visions Radio Network. Here we will continue to prove the show's episode archives and soon to be live streamed shows.