Torn Curtain by Joshua Simone


Welcome to my channel Torn Curtain by Joshua Simone This is going to be an intro video on what my channel is all about I'm telling you now your going to want to subscribe because i am going to be dropping great content Hit the subscribe button right now Why is the channel Called Torn Curtain? Hebrews 9 tells us that in the temple a veil separated the Holy of Holies which was the earthly dwelling place of God’s presence from the rest of the temple where men dwelt in the Old testament Error. The high priest was only allowed in that space one time a year to make atonement for the sins of the people. He had to put a rope around his leg in case he died while in their because if anyone else but the high priesr went in they would die Matthew 27:50 Tell us when Jesus died on the Cross the curtain of the hollies of hollies was torn in two. This shows that there is no longer a barrier separating God and man because of Jesus death on the cross and now we have direct access to God the father through Jesus death on the cross Torn curtain is a traveling teaching ministry which goal is to bring Reformation, Revival, and Renewal of the church of Jesus Christ What I will cover? Current Events Politics & The church Church History + Theology Discipleship -which is how to grow in your relationship with God and man End Times Inner Healing & Deliverance The gifts of the Holy Spirit I will do this in different formats: Preaching, teachings, testimonies, interviews and other videos I will also cover ministries I have been associated with which include Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, Desert Streams Ministries which includes Living Waters and Cross Current, and Orbis School of Ministry run by Ken Fish. So let me tell you a little bit about myself: Joshua Simone has a degree in Applied Psychology from NYU and attended seminary at Bethel University and ORU Universities. I also took several courses with Streams Ministries started by John Paul Jackson and now run by John Thomas. I am currently studying at the Orbis School of Ministry, run by Ken Fish Josh spent several years in full time ministry as a youth pastor, which I also did college ministry and helped plant a church on Long Island which is now one of the fastest growing churches in America. For the last decade I have attended New Life Fellowship Church in NYC home of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship which is in 600 churches and 30 nations working directly under Pete Scazzero teaching the material. I was also involved with the leadership of several other ministries including: youth ministry, singles ministry, Inner Healing & Deliverance, The Prayer Alter Team, and Lead Cross Current a ministry to help heal sexual brokenness. I was also a deacon at that church. Recently I left New Life Fellowship to begin the process of planting my own church & house of prayer in NYC and to establish a traveling teaching ministry YouTube Channel:

Tearing Down High Places


In ancient Israel cultural compromise often came when "The High Places" were allowed to remain in a land God claimed to be Holy. Many Kings in Israel and Judah recognized this but many more allowed some compromise instead of completely tearing down these "High Places" where sacrifices to foreign gods led God's people to sin. Today, Our culture and more specifically our Christian culture is tempted by corruption that exists because of compromise. We will on this podcast discuss many cultural issues that could lead or have already led to compromise for the Christian. Our prayer is that you would want to help us TEAR DOWN THOSE HIGH PLACES. Please listen to, subscribe and share this weekly podcast.

THE 13th NOTE: The Art of Mastery


Jeff Spike Wong – The 13th Note Executive Producer 1. What motivated you to make this film? This idea started over 20 years ago when I was selling Steinway & Sons pianos in CA. I used to program the player pianos to play Master of Puppets by Metallica & no one knew it was a metal song. Most folks thought it was Chopin or Beethoven. When I got the A/R director position for Kawai Piano Gallery of Houston, I met Yan Shen and I immediately signed her to be a Kawai artist. And with her accolades & Doctors degrees in both Music & Piano, I knew I wanted to do something special with her. From there the idea of a live show with Rusty Cooley and Yan Shen developed. Unfortunately, I was relieved from my position and that live show went away with it. Until 2020 when I had coffee with Yan to just catch up and the idea of Rusty & her came up to be a film in place of the live show and rest is history. 2. From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film? From Preproduction to Wrap 11 months there and about. 3. How would you describe your film in two words!? LIVE PASSIONATeLY 4. What was the biggest obstacle you faced in completing this film? Covid Mandates 5. What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video? Very Touching Emotionally. Gratitude and Thanks from my heart to all that participated in that video. 6. When did you realize that you wanted to make films? I grew up in a show biz family, My grandfather was a star actor in Taiwan, and I grew up around sets and stages. 7. What film have you seen the most in your life? Song Remains the Same – Led Zeppelin 8. What other elements of the festival experience can we and other festivals implement to satisfy you and help you further your filmmaking career? I am learning who does what, where & how, but I am a huge marketing guy coming from professional sales, so the festivals that interacts like yours is a winner for me/us. 9. You submitted to the festival via FilmFreeway. How has your experiences been working on the festival platform site? My 2nd year with FilmFreeway and I am very happy with the results as well as the huge selection of festivals I can show my work to. Totally Awesome! Old saying in the business…Got to be seen if you want to be relevant to what’s going on. 10. What is your favorite meal? The meal with my soul tribe/loved ones. 11. What is next for you? A new film? I wrote a screenplay that is shelved at present time due to the attention of other projects that is right in front of me. But rest assured, I will be making more films in the future, and they will be positive & heart felt messages just like The 13th Note. That’s in everything I do. Thank you & GOD Bless