The Rich Dad Channel Verified


Dive into the world of financial education and empowerment with Rich Dad's official YouTube channel. Founded by the renowned entrepreneur and author, Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad's mission is to revolutionize the way individuals approach money and wealth-building. With over decades of experience and a commitment to sharing invaluable insights, Rich Dad's channel is your go-to resource for unlocking the secrets to financial success. By subscribing to Rich Dad's YouTube channel, you join a global community dedicated to financial education and empowerment. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, our content is tailored to provide actionable insights that can transform your financial mindset and strategies.

Rich Valdes | This Is America


Politics is complicated, so we break it down to the basics. Join radio host Rich Valdes, “The Voice of Hispanic conservatives,” as he takes you on his journey through poverty, prosperity, and politics. Valdes is a former staffer in Governor Chris Christie’s administration, was the Director of Special Operations at Project Veritas, and is a regular guest-host of the nationally-syndicated Mark Levin Show. Born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised in Hudson County, NJ, Valdes has been a 16-year-old business owner, a charter school co-founder, and a politically active businessman. You’ll hear it all from this liberty-loving Latino — a proud American Gen-Xer of Puerto Rican heritage. New shows every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Subscribe : Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify

Nice Bike Service


This channel is dedicated to cyclists. Our bike workshop has been working for you for 8 years. We have something to show you on cycling topics. Here you can watch video tutorials on bike maintenance. Our bicycle repair videos will be useful and interesting for you. Each video has subtitles. We put emphasis on the technical sounds of bike maintenance. This format is called "ASMR" Be sure to subscribe to the channel. Under each video, leave your questions, we regularly answer them.

Rich Roll


Description Thanks for stopping by! I used to be an unhealthy corporate lawyer. At 40 I decided to change my life. I switched to a 100% plant-based diet, lost 50 pounds and started exploring human potential across a spectrum of disciplines: ultra-endurance, wellness, nutrition, mindfulness and spirituality. Now 54, I travel the world sharing what I have learned in talks, books, and on my podcast. I'm also a dad to 4 kids & live in Malibu, California. MY STUFF ✩ WEBSITE - ✩ PODCAST: Rich Roll Podcast - ✩ MEMOIR: Finding Ultra - ✩ MEAL PLANNER - ✩ COOKBOOK - The Plantpower Way - ✩ PATREON - SOCIALS ✩ Instagram - ✩ Twitter - ✩ Facebook - MAIL 29617 Agoura Rd. Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Details For business inquiries: Email: Location: United States



Grow your wealth with real estate. Income property investing is the most scalable side-hustle there is. Subscribe for videos on how to get rich, translating investor language, and simply explaining how to make other people's money work for you. This information will improve your life. Get Rich Education features high-profile guest interviews. Keith Weinhold, a Forbes Real Estate Council Member, designs riveting content that creates financial literacy for you. If you want to listen on the go, the Get Rich Education podcast frees your eyeballs from the screen. Every Monday a new episode is published. Real estate has turned more ordinary people into millionaires and billionaires than anything else. Learn how it works. We show you how to build wealth ethically, using strategies that the rich use. Don't live below your means; grow your means.

The Rich Dad Podcasts


Rich dad said, “A business needs both a spiritual and a business mission to be successful, especially at the beginning.” Rich dad chose the words “spiritual” and “business.” He said, “Many people start a business only to make money. Just to make money is not a strong enough mission. Money alone does not provide enough fire, drive, or desire. The mission of a business should fill a need that the customers want. And if it fills that need, and fills it well, the business will begin to make money.” The Rich Dad Company has the following mission: “To elevate the financial well-being of humanity.” By being clear and true to the dual spiritual and business mission of this company, we have enjoyed great success. By being clear on our mission, we attract individuals and other groups aligned with a similar mission. Some people call it luck. I call it being true to our mission.



"La croissance intellectuelle et morale n'est pas moins indispensable que l'amélioration matérielle. Savoir est un viatique, penser est de première nécessité, la vérité est nourriture comme le froment." Victor Hugo Entretiens sans tabous avec des personnalités helvétiques dont les réflexions s'éloignent des sentiers battus de la pensée dominante. Pour une meilleure compréhension des grands enjeux de notre temps. Interview : Martin Bernard Réalisation/montage : Ouriel Barbezat

Giving God's Way - Tithes and Offerings by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Verified


Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale, CA. For more of Pastor Scott\\\'s teaching 24x7, visit her website at Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to let Pastor Scott know you\\\'ve watched the teaching. She appreciates getting messages from viewers and will often read them during live broadcasts. Follow @Pastor_Scott on Twitter. Download Pastor Scott\\\'s "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store. Pastor Scott can also be seen on Roku on the "Understand the Bible?" channel. For more information visit



Subo gameplays de los juegos que me gustan, hago vídeos para pasármela bien, espero les gusten mis partidas multijugador, mis guías de todo tipo de juegos, vídeos random, vlogs ocasionales y escuchar lo que pienso y siento de distintas cosas, me la paso muy bien haciendo esto y que mejor manera de compartir todo lo que me apasiona con ustedes. Hago tutoriales de obras creativas y dinámicas, Let's Play, Speedruns, reviews, etc. utilizando el contenido de juegos, de acuerdo con los términos establecidos de las desarrolladoras de videojuegos. Me llamo Juan Daniel Capuano Hernández, vivo en México, nací un 6 de octubre de 1999, soy vegano, estudiante de universidad, gamer, me gusta el deporte (principalmente la gimnasia), la tecnología, el bienestar de los animales (Tengo algunas palomas que amo y cuido mucho) y apoyo la libertad de expresión.