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This channel is devoted to Lorde and her Albums and the release of NFT auctioned assets that will pay her a tribute of X% once negotiated by her {not a lawyer, she must negotiate for the 1000 discount herself and approach me directly @ e.simpsontheartist@gmail.com to purchase} -- Others? Make 10k in crypto or dollars offer for consideration to the same email.
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ideo Music Artist NFTs LEAD SINGER OF HOUR BAND. NFT ART TALK Talk Show Musicdog NFT Crypto Video Network Eclectic style Performer of American/Global music mixed with all genres in the modern musical era. 1st Generation Indian American . Austin, Texas. Started Playing guitar at high school and formed Hour Band in 2007 in Austin Texas. Orchestrates and plays guitar/bass/drums/vocals/keys/synths/DJ. Founded VMA Connect Tv Network/Distribution in 2017. Released self titled project in 2018. Founder of NFT ART TALK youtube video podcast show and Founder of Musicdog NFT.
This channel to find out what will be minted in the near future. I focus primarily on Solana and Ethereum NFT but may also include others NFT also. The video on this channel is a great way to get an overview NFT that are about to mint and what NFT you will do your one research on.
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Tudo Bem Com Você? Criei Esse Canal Com Intuito de Divulgar Conteúdos Sobre CriptoMoedas, Defis , Games NFTs e Renda Extra. Seja Ganhos No Automático ou Manual. 📍Conteúdos abordados📍 Games NFTs PlayToEarn☑ Defis☑ Airdrops☑ Criptomoedas☑ Faucetes Pagando☑ Mineração de Criptos☑ MetaVerso☑ Sites Pagando Em Dólar e Real☑ 🔴Pessoal os conteúdos são exclusivos sobre CriptoAtivos, Defis , Games NFTs e Renda Extra. Onde todos nós podemos está ganhando, lembrando que venho deixar minhas sinceras palavras que em alguns desses conteúdos vou ser beneficiados com a indicação do link, e também não venho tirar proveito de nenhum de vocês, simplesmente quero trazer algo diferente pra vocês de forma justa e sincera. Agradeço o apoio de cada um!
Welcome to Degen Frens NFT Podcast powered by Project LB52, the show that offers information and conversation based around NFTs, crypto and web3. Whether you’re a creator, collector, investor or just a degenerate shitposter this show has something for you. Join hosts Adam Martin, Dan The Lost Boy & Matt Mckeever as they explore the fast paced world of web3, de-fi and NFTs.
Canal com conteúdo de jogos NFT, não trazendo dica de investimento e sim apenas trazendo conhecimentos sobre o mercado e compartilhar esse conteúdo.
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