The Eustace Mullins Collection Verified


Eustace Mullins was the last living protege of Ezra Pound, the author of the only book burned in Germany since Hitler (a burning under the direction of Americans) and a former researcher for Joseph McCarthy. He’s known almost everyone on the American Right for the last 50 years, and is one of the most hated men in America in some circles. He belongs to no group, espouses no movement or party and doesn’t give a damn what you think of him.

Retro Restart


Restart your nostalgia with Retro Restart! Where I take a look at all the cool oddities from the past and the strange new stuff coming out in the future. I'll review movies, games, and tech. Just like every YouTube channel in the early 2010's to now. Great another one. No one gonna watch what I do anyways. Maybe I should order a pizza tonight wait why am I typing my inner thoughts. I'm still typing I know that I'm typing this, but I'm not stopping.......................................