!NSP!R!NG M!NDS with : Edward: Fitzgerald


!NSP!R!NG M!NDS with Edward Fitzgerald explores the core philosophy that human potential is both Unbounded and Unlimited. Edward hosts a variety of inspirational individuals from Authors to Olympians, World Record holders to World Changers, and Everyday people who have become Extraordinary people by overcoming adversity and against the odds found the passion and positivity to follow their dreams. About the Host: Award winning Author & Film Producer, Creator of the Maximum Impact Philosophy, a Maverick Leader, a Father of 3 and a Humanitarian on a mission to “Transform 3 billion lives, one mind at a time” Prior to Edward’s full recovery from a traumatic brain injury, the result from a yachting accident in 2011, he founded and operated a specialist technology consultancy and has launched 4500+ innovative products/services into 80 countries. The books and films were all created subsequent to his brain injury, he now strives to apply the core philosophy that human potential is both Unbounded and Unlimited by inspiring and empowering others to know who they truly are on an emotional, energetic, spiritual and intellectual level.



Welcome to ESPNpro, where the world of sports is not only watched, but experienced in all its glory. As a premium extension of the ESPN family, ESPNpro is designed for true sports enthusiasts. Our channel specializes in delivering a superior sports broadcasting experience with a focus on in-depth coverage, expert analysis and exclusive content. Exclusive broadcasts: Watch live games and events only available on ESPNpro. Expert Panels: Get insight from the best in the business with our team of experienced analysts and former players. High Definition Quality: Every game is a visual treat with our latest HD broadcasting technology. Interactive Programming: Engage with interactive shows, allowing viewers to participate in discussions and polls. ESPNpro is more than just a channel. It is a gateway to the most intense and immersive sports experience. Join us and elevate your viewing experience to a professional level. 🌟🏀⚽🏈⚾🎾

Shauna Manfredine's Prophecy Club


Zoom recordings of our past Prophecy Club studies - and worksheets from the class. in-depth Bible studies on End-time Prophecy using the 5 keys to unlocking Bible Prophecy, which are: 1) Torah - Isaiah 8:20 2) all the Bible Prophets - Isaiah 28:9-10; 2 Peter 1:20-21 3) the Mazzaroth - Genesis 1:14 4) the Sabbatical years/Jubilees 5) the Feasts (Holy Days of Yahweh listed in Leviticus 23) - Daniel 8:19; Daniel 11:27 The premise of this study time is that it is impossible to correctly interpret End-time Bible prophecy without factoring in all five of the above "Keys". For more information about these 5 Keys, using them for prophecy, and why they are essential, please see the feature article in our quarterly magazine from April-June, 2020, titled: "Five Keys that Unlock Prophecy" at https://www.lightedway.org/html/Newsletters/20%20Newsletters/Apr-Jun2020NewsletterMagazine.pdf

ESPN Enemy #1

1 Follower

A Sports Documentary Youtube Channel for an audience with contrarian views in the Sports World. The sports storylines formulated for the greater public are often not the what they seem. The SPORTS VAULT is ESPN's #1 Enemy because we strive to provide the wholistic truth in an entertaining filmmaking fashion. We bring the secrets of the sports world to light, backed with facts and hours of research. The SPORTS VAULT is a spun-off subsidiary [sub-division] of D.A.T.A. Productions Media [holding company] (See that channel for more content). The SPORTS VAULT will contain previous sports videos from the D.A.T.A. Productions Media.

SoulCast: din Suflet, despre Suflet, pentru Suflet

1 Follower

SoulCast: Un Podcast din Suflet, despre Suflet, pentru Suflet. Două suflete trezite luminează asupra multor subiecte și aspecte ale acestei existențe care de multe ori trezesc întrebări, dar de puține ori se găsesc răspunsuri relevante și concrete. Luați-vă ceaiul și bucurați-vă de aceste discuții libere, armonioase și cu sens care vă pot aduce conștientizări profunde pe calea voastră individuală și autentică. Printre toată profunzimea, râdem, ne bucurăm și dezbatem într-un mod cât de pământean putem, să fim pe înțelesul tuturor. Alătură-te, dacă simți, energiei pe care o investim cu intenția de a crește, de a evolua și de eleva conștiința colectivă. Cu drag și sens. One love! 🤍 🌺 Ne poți susține pe Patreon pentru a primi acces la conținut exclusiv, behind the scenes și materiale extra (meditații, terapie, participare gratuită la evenimentele noaste, ședințe 1-1 și multe altele): https://www.patreon.com/SoulCast 🔨 Poți contribui proiectului aici: https://ko-fi.com/soulcast