Fountainhead Forum


The Fountainhead Forum is a show dedicated to discussing many important topics that are key to living a great life. This includes libertarian politics, the values of the Enlightenment, and self-improvement. I may not endorse or agree with every guest on the Forum. However, I do attempt to bring on people who are sincerely looking for understanding and knowledge. This may include guests whose values seem to be polar opposites on the outside, but are very much alike on the inside.

Country & Mountain Life


Country & Mountain Life. A lifestyle of the people who live in rural and remote areas during the Time Of The End. The people who live in country & mountain outposts that provide opportunities to witness in cities and urban areas. Sharing the Three Angels messages of Revelation 14, to hasten the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. To share the truth of Jesus Christ to benefit humanity. As we try, with God's grace, to live the life of "the chosen and faithful." All the videos on this channel are on their respective PlayLists.