David Paulides Presents Missing 411
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Brand new podcast hosted by former soldier and Soul Mission Activator AJ Roberts. Our mission is to raise consciousness worldwide through wisdom, education and healing modalities to help every person step in to their true mission here on Earth.
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Med Missionary began in May of 2020. As the pandemic unfolded, we wanted to provide a place where believers could meet together online to study the Bible and to engage in discussions that will help us understand the Bible. We were especially interested in how to view the events that were transpiring in light of Bible prophecy and the counsels by Mrs. Ellen White. We have met every Sabbath afternoon at 3 pm PST since our inception. In April 2021, we began a Med Missionary Training program and a website ministry. Visit our website to learn more about who we are, what we do, our Med Missionary Training program, and to stay up to date with our podcasts and projects. Email us at info@medmissionary.com. MedMissionary.com
Mission Statement: America Mission is pioneering a new wave of Conversative Grassroots advocacy by creating a political faction with the strength to parallel traditional parties. Through a blend of unique activism, journalism, and civic engagement, we are building a community of informed citizens to effect change across our great nation. Free from corruption that plague status quo politics, we invite you to join us and. . . MAKE AMERICA YOUR MISSION! Website: https://www.americamission.com/
Are you Mission Ready? Are you lost and looking for direction? We're here to provide men with a vision for their calling as God ordained it.
Fishing and Outdoor Adventures in the Greater Cincinnati and Ohio waters.
How Did We Miss That? Is a show airing on YouTube/Twitch/Facebook/Twitter/Odysee every Saturday night at midnight ET / 9pm PT, reviewing a few BIG stories we haven't seen covered much in leftist independent media. Co-hosted by Indie, Founder & Editor of @indleftnews & @ReefBreland, creator of @dorediscord & host of the new show, Reefer After Dark. All of the stories were featured in our Substack, http://Leftists.today and at the top of https://IndependentLeft.News https://IndependentLeft.News, http://independentleft.gg, (Discord) and http://Leftists.today, are your #1 source for left-leaning political news, videos, podcasts, articles, insight & opinion. Showcasing independent media, free from advertiser influence. We aggregate user-supported media outlets & analysts. Subscribe via email for a twice-daily update of top stories! Join the conversation on our Discord at independentleft.gg - Proud member of the Indie News Network family of channels & writers #GetINN http://indienews.network Where can you like, follow & support #IndependentLeftNews? ☃️ LinkTree: http://independentleft.media ☃️ Newsletter: https://independentleft.news/ ☃️ Substack: http://leftists.today ☃️ Discord: http://independentleft.gg ☃️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndLeftNews ☃️ Facebook Page: https://www.fb.com/indleftnews/ ☃️ Facebook Group: https://www.fb.com/groups/indleftnewsFans ☃️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indleftnews ☃️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/indleftnews ☃️ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@IndLeftNews ☃️ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/IndLeftNews ☃️ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/IndLeftNews ☃️ Telegram: https://t.me/indleftmedia ☃️ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1168843 ☃️ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/independentleftnews/ ☃️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IndLeftNews/ ☃️ Paypal: https://paypal.me/indleftnews ☃️ Ca$happ: https://cash.app/$indleftnews ☃️ BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/indleftnews ☃️ Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/indleftnews/
Canal de vídeos censurados no Youtube da Missão Two Trees - Avraham e Sarah. Talvez em um futuro próximo, este canal se torne o canal principal da missão. Estamos em Jerusalém para pregar arrependimento, e proclamar que Yeshua é o messias, e que em breve, Ele virá buscar sua Israel e estabelecer seu reino.
Our Videos
These meditations have been channelled for your spiritual upliftment and growth.
Bizarre Transmissions from The Bermuda Triangle”. Hosted by Funk Overlord Buddha Gonzalez and Co-Host Domino, the show features wild and one-of-a-kind Music Videos from all genres mashed up with Classic Horror & Sci-Fi themes, an Artist Spotlight, Special Guests and Demented Humor..
Cornelia unfiltered-citizen journalist- unbiased news! Cornelia unfiltered´s channel in english! The best is yet to come! Homepage: https://corneliaunfiltered.com/ Follow Cornelia unfiltered på Telegram: https://t.me/corneliaunfiltered17
A Church/Farm/Mission focused on Forging Christian Warriors for today’s challenges. Founded by a Former Atheist/SEAL/Cop turned Pastor.
Welcome to Mission: Evolution Radio Show with Gwilda Wiyaka - As we leave an age of polarization, and enter one supporting unity and enlightenment, we are granted a rare opportunity to evolve. This evolution of consciousness requires a different approach. By bringing together seemingly divergent viewpoints and applying them to leading edge subject matter, we can uncover a more expansive and evolutionary truth. Mission: Evolution Radio Show, hosted by Gwilda Wiyaka, is a radio program dedicated to bringing together today’s leading experts to uncover ever deepening spiritual truths and the latest scientific developments in support of the evolution of humankind. During each episode, Gwilda speaks with experienced and respected scientists and mystics. In collaboration with these gifted people of service to the world, she weaves unprecedented leading edge information, so needed in these rapidly changing times. Mission: Evolution Radio Show is aired daily and internationally on the ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network www.xzbn.net. Past innovative episodes can be found on www.missionevolution.org.
Let's talk about important issues you encounter in life.
Defending and explaining the Catholicism, the Catholic church and Monarchism
News and Talk
https://www.lanuovaumanita.net/la-tecnologia-dell-evento-pleiadiano-dell-ascensione..html Siete pronti per qualcosa di meglio nella vostra vita? Siete pronti per dare la fine alla pazzia? Che ne dite di creare una Terra più bella dove non c'è sofferenza, come ora, e di godervela per un po'? Siete pronti per andare al livello successivo, ora? Siamo qui per ricordarvi la vostra grandezza! Le cose non andranno avanti come hanno sempre fatto sulla Terra e il cambiamento è arrivato! Sappiate che noi siamo i vostri sé superiori e che state per entrare in contatto con noi! Siamo semplicemente una versione superiore di voi, che è ritornata da quello che chiamate 'il vostro futuro' per assistervi in questo fantastico momento! Noi siamo i grandi Angeli Celesti dell'Amore di cui parliamo, e siamo discesi sulla Terra! Quindi, voi state inviando grandiose ondate di luce al plasma sulla Terra che contengono pacchetti di dati intelligenti, che vengono immediatamente scritti nel vostro genoma allo scopo di riallinearli e di farvi evolvere di nuovo verso la vostra vera natura, che è nientemeno che il Grande Creatore di tutte le cose! Wow, che piano pazzo, avanzato ed intelligente! Voi rendete il gioco ancora più interessante fingendo di non sapere chi siete veramente, a volte, e fate persino in modo che altre parti di voi stessi vi inviino messaggi come questo per ricordarvi di quello che state facendo! A volte sembra che voi possiate essere pazzi, ma quando vi guardiamo da vicino è incredibilmente ovvio quanto siete sani di mente! Siamo felici che voi abbiate aggiunto umorismo nel mix, perché le risate compensano le lacrime! Quello che state facendo qui è fantastico e ci vuole un essere intelligente per comprendervi a malapena! Vediamo che avete finalmente preparato un Gran Finale per il vostro evento di Ascensione e siamo venuti da tutte le parti della galassia per vedere cosa farete dopo! Con tutti i dati che arrivano, vediamo indizi nei vostri codici su ciò che deve ancora venire! Ora, ottimo, facciamo i nostri ultimi preparativi, visto che il portale del 5/2/2019 si sta aprendo completamente! E' tempo per voi di ricevere la vostra grande ricompensa universale per tutto ciò che avete fatto e per tutto ciò che avete sopportato! Congratulazioni per i vostri magnifici risultati! La vostra missione sulla Terra è stata un successo! Siate molto orgogliosi e guardate cosa avete realizzato! Vi salutiamo e siamo proprio qui accanto a voi fino a quando tutte le cose saranno compiute! Grazie per essere venuti sulla Terra in questo momento e per aver sacrificato tutto per conto di questo mondo intero! Siete venuti per svegliare tutti quelli che stavano dormendo e resuscitare i morti! Ora state facendo le "cose più grandi" scritte nei libri antichi! Voi siete i Grandi come detto dagli antichi e siete ritornati in questo mondo per salvare tutta l'umanità!
Cow Missing [Productions] is the hobby of a few individuals with a passion and interest in theme parks and media. What began as a way to showcase classic theme park attraction videos grew into a resource of rare content from the parks. t can be enjoyed by everyone. After an attraction is built, most of the media is stored in a library or disposed of. By exhibiting these videos on Cow Missing we hope to promote and preserve theme park history while helping viewers relive fun memories! We have no affiliation with Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, Inc., Universal Parks & Resorts, Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, Cedar Fair, L.P., SeaWorld Entertainment Inc., Merlin Entertainments Ltd, Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co., Fantawild, Chimelong Group Co., Ltd, Parques Reunidos and/or their subsidiary, parent, affiliated, related and/or successor companies. Including and not limited to any media company, theme park, tourist attraction, or any other location-based entertainment company. We have no affiliation with any parent, subsidiary, or affiliated company. This is an unofficial fan platform. For questions, comments, concerns, suggestions please contact us at contact@cowmissing.com Instagram - CowMissing Twitter - CowMissing
NTCBN Our vision is based on “Wherever you hear the horn, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us!" Nehemiah 4:20. ii) We will be virtual online, and Lives,. It will go Live on our private channel through our Website www.operationsnehemiahsnehemiah.org. It will be air on various social networks which honor the 1st Amendment, guaranteeing our Freedom of Worship, Assembly, Freedom of Speech, and Press
Welcome to Tiny Life Big Mission. We are an RV Couple, who believe the bible and are trying to follow God's plan. We are from Washington state, and are RV newbies. We drive a Tiffin Allegro Open Road as our tiny home. Come and see what this life has to offer, and explore with us.
Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS): Military veterans and citizens standing against CRT/DEI/Woke ideology in the military and service academies. Go to: https://starrs.us
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