Not By Works Ministries


Since 1999, Not By Works Ministries has been committed to promoting the clear, accurate, and urgent Gospel message of God’s gracious and free offer of eternal life. According to the Bible, eternal life is found only through faith in Jesus Christ alone who died and rose again for our sins. We seek to advance the message of God’s amazing grace through a nationwide conference-speaking ministry on a variety of biblical topics; through the publication and distribution of books, DVDs, CDs, and other biblical resources; and through our daily radio program. For more information about Not By Works visit If you share our message and would like to help us advance the Gospel message please click here to support this ministry:

Living Woman Ministries


Inspiration and empowerment are the focal points of this Ministry and spiritual redemption is the heart of it. The aim is to be honest and fully transparent on issues concerning, faith, culture and lifestyle. I craft educational ministry videos to reach those seeking truth and chronicle my experiences hoping it will inspire you. As always I hope you are blessed. John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." Business enquiry (no spam) email:

Allen Jackson Ministries


Allen Jackson serves as senior pastor of World Outreach Church, a congregation of fifteen thousand located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is also the founder of Allen Jackson Ministries, which broadcasts his sermon messages on television across the United States and internationally. His teachings are also broadcasted nationally on radio (XM and traditional). His weekly podcast also features special guest interviews and Allen’s messages from World Outreach Church. He holds a bachelor\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s degree from Oral Roberts University, a master\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s in religious studies from Vanderbilt University, and studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological School and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. For more information, visit Pastor Allen Jackson’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and website.



A Channel about endtime prophecy and information about who the True Hebrew Israelites are. "WHO THE PEOPLE? WE THE PEOPLE!" TEOTW Ministries is not associated with any hate group, cults, or extreme religious organizations. TEOTW Ministries is a teaching ministry, chosen to be a part of awakening the true Hebrew Israelites to who they are both from a biblical and historical context. TEOTW Ministries believe that the Negros are the true biblical Israelites, and that the Negro fulfills all prophecies concerning the Israelites, as well as have been authenticated through historical texts.

Watchman Reports Online Ministry Church


The Most High Yah revealed to me that the Churches are asleep and that judgment has begun at the house of Yah, and to wake his people up. SOUND THE ALARM! Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Ya’acob(Jacob) their sins. The church must receive the truth, but many in the churches including Pastors are fighting against Yah’s Watchmen and are even laying stumbling blocks in their paths. These Pastors and Churches will be judged. Yah has put in me the desire to bring the truth to the people of Yah by the way of internet and broadcast. This website was set up to bring the latest End-time events, revelations, and hidden truths to the light that the body of Yahshua (The church) may be washed by the word and sanctified by the truth. Our Ministry is a non-profit organization dedicated to building up the Body of Yahshua. It is our call from Yahshua the Messiah to be a tool for Yah’s use in bringing his people into the truth.

Julie Green on Rumble | Ministries Prophetic Word for 2024


Julie Green, a prominent voice in prophetic ministry, shares her insights and divine revelations on Rumble through Julie Green Ministries. Her messages for 2024 are a beacon of hope and guidance for many, resonating with a global audience seeking spiritual clarity. On Rumble, Julie Green’s prophetic words are a source of inspiration and encouragement, as she delivers them with conviction and faith. Her channel, Julie Green Ministries on Rumble, is a hub for those eager to hear her latest prophecies and teachings. With a dedicated following, the Rumble Julie Green Ministries channel is a growing community where believers can find support and fellowship. Whether it’s a live stream or a recorded message, Julie Green on Rumble com provides a platform for her to share God’s word and her prophetic vision for the future. Her prophetic word Rumble sessions are particularly sought after, as Julie Green’s prophecy on Rumble often contains timely and urgent messages. The Julie Green Rumble com channel ensures that these words reach a wide audience, offering spiritual insights and prophetic declarations that resonate with the times. For those searching for Julie Green’s prophecy Rumble content, the jgminternational Rumble page is the go-to destination. Here, one can find a collection of her prophetic words, including the much-anticipated Julie Green Ministries prophetic word for 2024. The impact of her messages is felt across the Rumble community, as Julie Green’s prophetic word on Rumble sparks discussions and reflections among viewers. In summary, Julie Green on Rumble is a vital voice for many seeking prophetic guidance. Her ministry’s presence on Rumble—Julie Green Ministries Rumble—continues to uplift and empower individuals with her prophetic word for 2024 and beyond.