Welcome to our channel! We create unique videos on our own, in which we show the beauty of women and prove that a woman can be beautiful and attractive at any age. Our goal is to show the world of mature women and their natural beauty! To create videos, we manually select the content and independently voice the video by a professional actor. All our videos are unique and we try to create such content for which you will return to our channel again and again. We thank you for your attention! For advertising

Mature Beauty


Welcome to our channel! We create unique videos on our own, in which we show the beauty of women and prove that a woman can be beautiful and attractive at any age. Our goal is to show the world of mature women and their natural beauty! To create videos, we manually select the content and independently voice the video by a professional actor. All our videos are unique and we try to create such content for which you will return to our channel again and again. We thank you for your attention! For advertising

Matheus Rangel - Dicas Offshore


Somos o maior canal de Dicas Offshore! Trabalho embarcado desde meus 19 anos, e com isso já participei de diversos processos seletivos no setor de óleo e gás. Com esse conhecimento , tenho ajudado pessoas a conquistarem o tão sonhado emprego offshore. Aqui você vai ver Dicas, Entrevistas e tudo que você precisa saber sobre o mercado offshore você encontra aqui. Acompanhe e compartilhe . Se inscreva na nossas redes sociais. Mande suas perguntas!! NOSSAS REDES SOCIAIS Instagram: @matheus_rangel LinkedIn: E-mail: