Washingtonians Against the Mandate (WAM)


Governor Inslee fired 1,887 state staff on October 18, 2021 for not submitting to his COVID-19 vaccine mandate. A resistance movement to this mandate (WAM) was born within days of Inslee's August 9, 2021 proclamation at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) South Central Region (Yakima vicinity). WAM grew quickly to include both vaccinated and unvaccinated freedom-lovers including firefighters, EMTs, state patrol officers, correction officers, nurses, teachers, private citizens, and many more. WAM remains united in the fight for medical freedom of choice and informed consent! This channel is not designed to earn dollars but to operate as a journal. Its focus it to DOCUMENT the injustice for the record - and to remain one click away from anyone who seeks truth. We will not allow what happened to be swept under the rug. Those responsible for this infringement on our Civil Rights must be held accountable.

Memória E.M.E.F "Comandante Gastão Moutinho"


Dedicado a Memória dos Alunos e Ex-Alunos da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental "Comandante Gastão Moutinho", para registros de épocas diferentes, de momentos do Ensino Fundamental na Escola e em razão dela. Aberto a Colaboração, Sugestão e Possível Participação dos Professores, Ex-Professores, Funcionários e Ex-Funcionários da Escola que tenham interesse em participar. Caso tenha interessa em enviar seu vídeo ou divulgar seu canal, entre em contato. Se Inscreva! Curta e Compartilhe os Vídeos! Obrigado pela Visita. Idealizado por Guilherme Ettiene, ex-aluno de 1988 a 1996, em dezembro de 2020.