MGW Quick Looks


Midwest Gun Works has been providing parts and accessories to the firearms community since 1997. With a wide variety of OEM and aftermarket parts, we are a true "One Stop Shop For All Things Firearms". Whether you're looking to upgrade or start a new build, we have you covered! Hopefully, our videos will provide help and insight customers need before making their next purchase with us. Please make sure to Like and Subscribe our videos for all the product updates and you can purchase all these products at

MGC Podcast


Hello and welcome to the M.G.C Podcast. On this channel we currently have two show types: 1- Classic M.G.C: A guest show in which Marq brings on guests from all walks of life to talk about what they are passionate about, what they have skill in doing, their lifestyles, philosophies, and stories. Click the playlist tab to find the best episodes for you. 2- Screen Shots: A movie and tv show podcast in which the two hosts Marq Gerbino and Johnny Cruz review content while playing a drinking game with or without guests. The game works by each player writing down 5 secret words that have to do with the content being reviewed. When one of the opposing players says one of the (danger) words then all players and the audience will hear a DING and the player who spoke the word has to take a shot. Along with other incorporated drinking games, this series is a fun way to learn about all the new movies and TV shows coming out in theaters or on streaming services. And you can play along!

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magnetiseur guerisseur Le magnétisme est une solution puissante, pratiquée par un guérisseur sans aucune manipulation, qui permet de réaligner le squelette et de soulager beaucoup de maux Le magnétisme peut accompagner tous les suivis médicaux pour des résultats accélérés, dégageant le patient de la douleur, lui procurant une sensation de sérénité Des circuits énergétiques parcourent notre corps (les méridiens) et tout blocage de cette circulation pour des raisons diverses (traumatiques, émotionnelles, alimentaires…) génère des désordres : c’est la douleur et plus. Le magnétisme restaure cette bonne circulation, réduisant ou supprimant les troubles.