Cornelia & G. Strand Verified


Cornelia & G. Strand - medborgarjournalister och patrioter. Vi stöttar Q och Trumps arbete med att rensa i träsket i Sverige och världen. Vi sänder live varje söndag kl.19.30 Tack för att ni stöttar vårt arbete: Strand: Swish +46701832701 Strand Paypal: Cornelia Swish: +46763055789 Paypal: Patreon: Följ oss i sociala medier: X

My Weight Loss Quest: Reuben Christopher Haynes - The Journey of a Loser to a Winner! Verified


My name is Reuben Christopher Haynes, I am nobody. I am everybody. I love the Universe and the Earth! I feel young and eager for adventures! However, I now realize that I must use my mind to begin to not only speak, but I need to sing my SONG OF LOVE! I am still have Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Motor neurone disease (MND) I AM A FIGHTER! Yet, I need your help... Medical Donations PayPal: @myconjecture Venmo: Reuben-C-Haynes My Weight Loss Quest: MThe Journey of a Loser to a Winner! Remember, I am THE VILLAIN! I will use my mind and vast intellect to dismantle have the courage to stand alone against the Global Cognitive Dissonance. I will now challenge anyone and everyone to prove me wrong and then and only then we can all work together to stop from America committing suicide. Yet, I am still a man more than ever filled with love for The Universe and Humanity.

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video or channel focused on information, news, education, and knowledge: "Empowering Your Mind: Information, News, Education, and Knowledge Stay informed, stay educated, and stay ahead with our comprehensive channel! Discover: Breaking news and in-depth analysis from around the world Educational content covering science, history, technology, and more Informative documentaries and explainer videos Knowledge-sharing from experts and thought leaders Expand your knowledge, broaden your perspectives, and enrich your understanding of the world.

Allah is always by your side.


Life Line is an approach to reach people. People who have various questions about ISLAM and Muslims but don't have anyone by their side to answer. Brothers and Sisters. Whether you are a Muslim or a potential Muslim. We are always by your side. Any queries or confusion you have about any topic regarding Islam and Muslims, please let us know. We will try our best to find your answers, given by well-known scholars of Islam with the required evidence. IMPORTANT !!!!! Please, this is not a debate ground. We are preparing the forum, especially for that purpose. You can share your thoughts with us through messages. Life Line does not support any unlawful activity towards any individual or community. Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you😘😘😘😘