Blood Culture Multigaming


Blood Culture Multigaming @ [BC] é o maior clan FPS da América Latina e um dos maiores do mundo ainda em atividade com mais de 250 membros de todas as partes do Brasil. Mantemos os melhores servidores de jogos do país, aqui é a casa do Call of Duty Rio @ Partice GRÁTIS! Aliste-se e seja um de nós e tenha vaga garantida em nossos servers! Somos amigos de infância e jogamos juntos por décadas desde do Atari 2600, mas em 2000 passamos a jogar regularmente em LAN e em 2005 fundamos o BC para jogar online exclusivamente uma versão do Quake 2 desenvolvida por nós. Fizemos muitos amigos em todo Brasil e pelo mundo. Nos anos seguintes nos tornamos MultiGaming e inacreditavelmente somos mais conhecidos fora que no próprio Brasil, principalmente pelo desenvolvimento do já citado Quake e das famosas séries HER e Call of Duty Frontlines. Para saber mais sobre o desenvolvimento visite Unidos somos mais Fortes!



A slab is typically an older model, large-bodied, American sedan — Cadillac, Lincoln, Oldsmobile, etc. And it\'s embellished or outfitted with various types of body additions, the first and most important one being the rims called "swangas" or "elbows." Those are those cone-like rims that poke out pretty far. On the trunk, you have what\'s called a "fifth wheel," which is a rim that\'s cut in half and enclosed in a fiberglass casing. Also explosive stereo systems that rattle or shake the car and shake the surroundings when listening to rap music. And within the trunk, you often have what\'s called trunk displays, which are neon or sometimes glass signs that convey particular messages to their communities.

Nepali culture


Nepal's Culture Nepal was declared a secular nation by Parliament on May 18, 2006. The prevalent religions in Nepal are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Bon, ancestral worship and enmity. The majority of Nepalis are Hindus or Buddhists. These have coexisted peacefully for two centuries. Customs and traditions differ from one part of Nepal to another. They are trying to create national identity by mixing culture in the capital Kathmandu. Since the unification of Nepal in the 18th century, Kathmandu Valley has been functioning as a cultural metropolis of the country. Religion is a major factor in the daily life of Nepalis. Festivals that add color to the lives of Nepalis are celebrated throughout the year, which they celebrate with joy. Food plays an important role in celebrating these festivals.