Grenzenlos Leben Verified


Herzlich willkommen auf Grenzenlos Leben! Schön, dass Du hier bist. Grenzenloses Leben ist eine Lebensform, die jeder Mensch erreichen kann. Er oder sie muss nur wissen, wie grenzenloses Leben in das Leben integriert werden kann. Hierbei hilft Dir FEELution, das Angebot von Grenzenlos Leben mit dem Du die FEEL-Methode erlernen kannst. Die FEEL-Methode lehrt Dich Grenzen zu finden (F) Grenzen zu erfahren (E) Grenzen zu entfernen (E) Grenzen loszulassen (L) Komm mit auf die Reise zu Deinem grenzenlosen Leben! Sämtliche Inhalte von Grenzenlos Leben unterliegen dem Copyright. JEGLICHE Verwendung ohne vorherige Zustimmung ist verboten und wird nach dem Recht der USA verfolgt. Anfragen zu einer Lizensierung können an gerichtet werden. Grenzenlos Leben ist ein Angebot von American Expert Travel Inc., 4501 Manatee Ave W, Bradenton FL 34209

Lennon Luthier & Georgie Girl - Animal Charity Luthier


I am the free charity Luthier - I fix guitar, banjos and ukes, etc... I don't charge (except for parts) but I ask clients to donate to my favourite charity is: Assisi Animal Shelter in Bangor County Down. I don't ask them to donate a particular amount; I leave that to them AFTER they get their guitar back. (Yes, it's called trust.) By the way you can donate too... it's simple. After trying to play guitar, for 50 years, and discovering that I repair them better than I play them... here I am. This ain't for money... No such thing as a rich man who repairs guitars... I just love guitars. The image is of 'my baby'... a Gretsch... it looks mighty purty.

Kyle Bronsdon


Relaying from Kyle Bronsdon is five foot ten, two hundred and thirty pounds, and wears a strong optical prescription. Other distinguishing marks include full forearm tattoos depicting an upright bass-playing pinup model and a Chippewa medicine woman. He accompanies himself at the piano performing simple music for complicated people, encouraging an informed distrust of authority, and speaking in a series of non sequiturs. If you encounter this man, he may be covering outsider songwriters like Tom Waits and Warren Zevon, smoking cigars and sharing recipes of high fat content, and should be considered unpredictable.