Julie&Leelou Lives Bis


☀️💖C'est un très grand plaisir de vous recevoir sur notre page Julie & Leelou Live☀️💖. Toute l'équipe vous souhaite la Bienvenue💖🍀. 💖Rassembler les Êtres Humains, l'Humain que Nous Sommes, dans l'Unité en Cœur, en Corps, et en Conscience 💖 🌞 Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur diverses plateformes.🌞 N'hésitez pas à nous y rejoindre😉🙏 📍 💥Nouvelle Chaîne Odysée💥 https://odysee.com/@JulieLeelouLives:f 📍Ancienne Chaîne Odysée https://odysee.com/@JulieLellouLives:c 📍Chaîne You Tube Libres comme l'Air https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI7ChV12EIRPCyc0fG7QL_A 📍Chaîne You Tube Multi Leelou https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiLeelou 📍Chaîne Twitch Julie & Leelou Lives https://www.twitch.tv/julieleeloulive 📍Page Facebook Julie & Leelou Lives https://www.facebook.com/Julie.Leelou.Lives 📍Page Facebook Libre comme l'Aire https://www.facebook.com/LibresCommeAir

Cocomelon Official


At CoComelon, our primary goal has always been to engage families with entertaining and educational content that makes universally-relatable preschool moments fun. Our beautiful 3D animation and toe-tapping songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children. In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together. CoComelon. Where kids can be happy and smart!



Il mondo necessita di un grande cambiamento, di una vera Rivoluzione. Perchè parlare di rivoluzione culturale? In un mondo con così tanti problemi, alcuni potrebbero chiedersi, perchè concentrarsi sulla cultura, quando abbiamo problemi ben più gravi, come la fame, l\'inquinamento, la povertà, le crisi economiche, guerre, violenza ecc.... La cultura in confronto ai grandi problemi è un dettaglio, ma è di estrema importanza, perchè cambiando piccole cose nella nostra quotidianità, sopratutto legate alla cultura, noi cambiamo il mondo e combattiamo guerre, povertà e ingiustizia ... Quando cambiamo noi stessi nella nostra quotidianità, non facciamo cose banali, in realtà stiamo infatti cambiando il mondo! È cambiando i dettagli quotidiani che si fanno le rivoluzioni Non ci può essere una vera rivoluzione se non si parte da una RIVOLUZIONE CULTURALE. BUONA RIVOLUZIONE A TUTTI!!!

Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes


At CoComelon, our primary goal has always been to engage families with entertaining and educational content that makes universally-relatable preschool moments fun. Our beautiful 3D animation and toe-tapping songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children. In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together. CoComelon. Where kids can be happy and smart!

Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes


At CoComelon, our primary goal has always been to engage families with entertaining and educational content that makes universally-relatable preschool moments fun. Our beautiful 3D animation and toe-tapping songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children. In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together. CoComelon. Where kids can be happy and smart!