The SPX Investing Program


The SPX Investing Program, offered by Intrepid Educational Services, is an educational program that seeks to provide low-cost courses and videos using subscription-based membership services. The goal is to provide unparalleled technical, fundamental, and mental analysis education as it applies to the US Financial Markets and Economy. Members of The SPX Investing Program learn to independently implement various strategies with the assistance of accessing real-time updates of current market conditions based on economic trends and geopolitical events.

Libertarian Podcast Review


We all love those reaction videos - "A vocal coach reacts to Tool singing ...." and so why not react to libertarian podcasts as well. We make it our duty to rate and review libertarian podcast and perhaps acquaint you with a show you didn't previously know about. We are here to review your liberty leaning podcasts, to critique them unnecessarily, and maybe help you find that autistic liberty star you didn’t know you needed to hear. We will compile and give you a heads up on the best entertainers and influencers in the liberty movement. Your hub for all Libertarian Podcasts.