All Hands On Deck Podcast


All Hands On Deck Podcast provides a platform for all authentic grassroots groups and freedom-loving supporters. Our aim is to highlight the incredible actions happening across the UK and to support communities in becoming more self-sufficient, while decentralising the current power structures. Join us for honest conversations and guidance on how you can get involved! If you would like to come on the show and make your voice heard, or if you know of someone we should be interviewing, or if you simply have comments or questions about the podcast, email us at

Living Life in HD


Living Connecting Creating from Inspiration, Love, Freedom, Truth, Balance in an authentic consciousness expanding way personally and professionally. I AM BZ Riger, founder of LLHD Channel. My heart felt intention to assist people to awaken to the Truth of who they are. Activating, embodying their innate skills, talents, abilities in actionable ways to create their LovelyHood and a New Way of Being, Living, Co-Creating together in The New Vibrational Landscape in the World.



Criado para compartilhar diversos temas, desde educação Financeira, Consumo consciente, Mantras, frequências solfeggio, Ho'oponopono, sobre a Vida, saúde, alimentação saudável, espiritualidade, temas sensíveis sobre possível verdade sobre a historia da humanidade, manipulações dos governos, dicas e muitas teorias... Created to share various topics, Financial education, Conscious Consumption, Man, solfeggio frequencies, since'oponopono on Life, health, healthy eating, spirituality, topics, about possible about your history of humanity, manipulations of governments, tips and many theories. ..