Scooter Tramp Scotty - Only Gypsy Road Stories


On the road since the spring of 1995, these are the stories of a full-time motorcycle drifter’s life. On those first long rides my spirit came alive in a way that eluded home life completely. The search for a way to stay gone indefinitely began. But it was not a hardship life of sleeping in city parks I sought, but hoped instead to engineer a way that was comfortable enough to work as a fulltime lifestyle. There were many lessons, some extremely hard won, but over time, and with the use of 100 unorthodox techniques, I eventually achieved that objective very well. In the spring of 1995, I left to see if it was possible to stay gone for a year and have been on the road full time ever since. When engaged in such a life, the plethora of unavoidable and unplanned adventures that will always cross one’s path seem endless. This channel is simply a culmination of these experiences.

Kies Dries


Al veel te lang wordt het audiovisuele medialandschap gedomineerd door een verstikkend links narratief. Televisie- en productiemaatschappijen brengen de diversiteit die leeft in onze maatschappij niet in beeld, integendeel. Daar zal vanaf nu verandering in komen via dit nieuwe, rechtse mediakanaal. Elke week brengen we een jonge, frisse en rechtse analyse op wat er in Vlaanderen en in de wereld gebeurt. Vrij en ongebonden. Kies Dries zal elke week te zien zijn op Rumble, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Bitchute en Gab.

Nana's & Sticky


Welcome to the adventures of Nanas and Sticky, two mischievous and silly little monkeys who love to explore the world around them with their human friends Jimmy and Eli! Nanas, the curious and playful little chimpanzee, is always getting into trouble with his quick wit and agile climbing skills. He's always swinging from tree to tree, chasing after butterflies, and investigating every nook and cranny. Sticky, the tall and goofy spider monkey, is Nanas' partner in crime. With his long arms and sticky fingers, he's always getting into sticky situations (literally!). He's a bit of a prankster, but his kind heart always shines through. Together, Nanas and Sticky have a blast with their human friends Jimmy and Eli. They go on wild adventures through the jungle, exploring hidden temples, swimming in waterfalls, and playing with exotic animals. But their adventures don't stop there! They also love to visit the zoo with Jimmy and Eli, where they learn about all sorts of fascinating creatures and make new friends. And when they're not exploring, they're having dance parties in the forest, playing tricks on each other, and snuggling up in their cozy little treehouse. Join Nanas and Sticky on their thrilling adventures as they swing through the trees, laugh with their friends, and learn valuable lessons about teamwork, kindness, and the importance of having fun! With their boundless energy, playful spirits, and unbreakable friendship, Nanas and Sticky are sure to delight children and parents alike. So come along and join the mischief!