Kreative Gesellschaft


Kreative Gesellschaft ist das Projekt der gesamten Menschheit, das es ermöglicht, unsere Zivilisation in kürzester Zeit und friedlich auf eine neue Stufe der evolutionären Entwicklung zu bringen. Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist AUF DER GANZEN WELT DIE KREATIVE GESELLSCHAFT AUFZUBAUEN, in der das Leben des Menschen den höchsten Wert hat. Hier finden Sie Videos, die von Menschen aus mehr als 180 Ländern der Welt produziert wurden. Schließen Sie sich dieser Initiative an und besuchen Sie offizielle Webseite des Projektes KREATIVE GESELLSCHAFT:

Kreative Gesellschaft Privat Verified


Heute, da die Weltgemeinschaft mit der zunehmenden Bedrohung durch den Klimawandel konfrontiert wird, ist das Streben nach Sicherheit und Stabilität für jeden von grundlegender Bedeutung geworden. Diese Situation erfordert sofortiges und entschlossenes kollektives Handeln. Die Freiwilligen der „Kreativen Gesellschaft“ richten ihre Anstrengungen darauf aus, eine Zukunft zu schaffen, die frei von Überlebenskämpfen angesichts der klimatischen Herausforderungen ist.

Kreativno društvo. Bosna i Hercegovina


Beschreibung Međunarodni projekat "Kreativno društvo" pokrenuli su ljudi iz cijelog svijeta. U modernom društvu dominira potrošački format, a svi vidimo da se iscrpio i doveo čovječanstvo u ćorsokak. 11. maja 2019. na globalnoj onlajn konferenciji „DRUŠTVO. POSLJEDNJA ŠANSA“ ljudi su pokrenuli ovo pitanje i izrazili opšte mišljenje da je izgradnja novog Kreativnog društva vitalna potreba. Jedinstveni format konferencije inspirisao je ljude na akciju, jer su mogli da iznesu svoja iskrena mišljenja i preuzmu odgovornost za svoje živote i našu zajedničku budućnost. U ovoj fazi postavili smo cilj da od ljudi širom svijeta saznamo da li žele živjeti u Kreativnom društvu, kao i da informišemo javnost o ovoj mogućnosti.



Hey Guys! Come join me for some Reactions & Commentary to all kinds of Movies, TV Shows, Songs & more ☺️. I will be watching all Genres/Categories of films. Keep the suggestions coming!🎥 I'm just another film night lover! Hope you guys are too:) I have sooo many films to catch up on, life just kept me away from watching so you will be seeing tons of first time watching reactions from me. Come join me on this fun ride! 💙 Please subscribe & help grow this channel so I can bring more entertaining content your way. @reembokreacts #reembokreacts

Innovative and Kreative Style of Learning


Innovative Education: Recognizing that education is not confined to the classroom, Kreative Kultural pioneers creative alternatives to traditional schooling. From unschooling to worldly schooling, the approach prioritizes experiential learning. Language immersion and the exploration of diverse cultures. Children are nurtured as "Mini-Tourists" in life experiences. Cultivating a lifelong love for learning and appreciation for the world's beauty.

D&D Talk Real Estate


2 Realtors, 1 Mission: Exposing real estate's LOLs and OMGs! Join Adair Realty's Dione and Diana LIVE on "D&D Talk Real Estate" as they break down the good, the bad and the ugly of home buying and selling. Get ready for some unfiltered conversation, education, hot takes, debate and a lot of fun! Visit us on for: 🏠 Home Buying Tips: Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, we'll provide expert tips to help you make informed decisions and find the perfect property. 🌆 Local Market Knowledge: We specialize in the Central & South Florida real estate market. Stay updated on the latest trends, neighborhoods, and opportunities in our area. 🏢 Selling Your Property: If you're looking to sell your home, we'll provide tips on staging, marketing, and negotiation to get the best deal possible.