Katie Souza Ministries


Katie Souza Ministries has visited over 4,000 prisons in the US, ministered the gospel to hundreds of thousands of inmates and given away millions of dollars in teaching materials to them. You can help! Whatever you feel led by the Lord to give is greatly appreciated. If you can’t give financially, you can help by subscribing to our channel and liking our videos and above all, pray that prison doors continue to be open to us so that we can open the prison doors to the souls of those in captivity.

Katie and The Chorus


Hi, I'm Katie, channel and author, along with The Chorus, my general term for a big group of loving, non-physical beings who I channel. We cover all things related to Human Awakening via our podcast - Our Next Existence - and in our two books: The Book of Human Awakening (like a big overview of human Awakening), and The Book of Human Remembrance (about time and memory). We're new to Rumble, and are adding our podcast episodes here each week. For more information, visit our website: https://katieandthechorus.com. We love you infinitely.

Messages of Our Lady of Mt.Ganxim-Batim


These messages comes into being at the request of Our Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our God. The Mother of God reveals that we are entering the purification before the era of a thousand years of Peace. Here, the Mother of God also reveals Her Supreme role in Salvation that God has entrusted Her with, as Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix (with Jesus The Redeemer) and Advocate before Jesus Her Divine Son, the Divine Judge. Unto Her is given all Power, all Grace, all Gifts to bestow upon Her children, God’s children who will Consecrate themselves to Her and call upon Her in each moment and decision of their lives. Please visit: https://www.mediatrixofallgrace.com/

Katie Garrison Fitness


Hey y'all! I'm Katie & welcome to my channel! The goal of my channel is to help you train smarter, improve your hybrid races, and be ready for all of life's adventures! New full-length videos every Friday! I help female athletes build mental and physical strength to conquer both fitness races and all of life's adventures with hybrid strength training programs. I'm a hybrid coach and athlete, I qualified for Deka World Championships in 2022, 2023, and 2024, I'm an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, and I have a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from SFASU.