MPD Education Series


This channel is about Education at all levels. Whether you are home-schooling or extra-schooling your children, or you are interested in life-long learning please join me. The first 7 videos focused on building a Memory Palace using a popular video game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Simple Memory Palaces, not only help long term memory, offer a technique for organizing your thoughts into a comprehensive unity for study, lectures, storytelling and non-fiction writing. It's also a lot of fun. The videos on education begin with video # 8: What is the crisis in Education? Identifying the Main Issues. About me: I'm from New York and now in Texas. I studied Physics at SUNY @ Albany. After that I worked for a short time as a computer programmer (way back in the stone ages). I homeschooled my kids (6 of them) for 25 years. I learned a few things I hope to pass on.

Amazing Pets


Amazing Pets is a place for everyone who loves animals and pets. It is a series of videos where you can enjoy watching sweet and cute animals and pets\nIf you like our videos, please join us and subscribe to our channel\n\n\n#cats, #dogs, #pets, #cat, #dog, #pet, #funny cats, #cute cats, #sweet cats, #funny dogs, #cute dogs, #sweet dogs, #funny pets, #cute pets, #sweet pets, #funny cats videos, #cute cats videos, #sweet cats videos, #funny dogs videos, #cute dogs videos, #sweet dogs videos, #funny pets videos, #cute pets videos, #sweet pets videos,