KJV Bible Reviewer


-I review KJV Bibles -I believe in Jesus Christ and believe that he was alive, died and rose again. I believe and trust in his gift of salvation and that it can never be lost. I believe that the KJV is the word of God that is without error. I believe that Jesus Christ will return after the great tribulation and will rule on Earth for 1000 years. -I am King James Version Only (KJV Only or KJVO) which means I believe that the Bible was preserved in the KJV for English speaking people and that modern bibles are corrupt: https://rumble.com/vjx6py--new-world-order-bible-versions-full-documentary.html https://rumble.com/v281sjo--the-preserved-bible-full-documentary.html -I believe in once saved always saved (OSAS) and easy believism: https://rumble.com/v1c7xez-once-saved-always-saved-2014-february-23.html -I believe in a pre-wrath, post tribulation rapture: https://rumble.com/v29fiy2-after-the-tribulation.html

King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland - KJV NL - Marco Kok


King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland is gewijd aan: 1. Het evangelie van de Heer Jezus Christus prediken, te vinden in de pagina’s van de King James Version. (Acts 26:22-29, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21) 2. Bijbelgetrouwe doctrines onderwijzen. (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Het verdedigen van de perfectie van de King James Bible 1611, God’s Heilig geschreven woord. (Ephesians 6:10-20) 4. Het vertalen van belangrijk Bijbel studie materiaal voor onze Nederlandse broeders en zusters. (2 Timothy 1:8) 5. Het zijn van een medewerker, strijdende de goede strijd van het geloof, en belijdende een goede belijdenis voor vele getuigen. (1 Timothy 6:12) www.kingjamesbible1611.nl

Musical KJV


Welcome to Musical KJV with Bro. Adam Tigges! Congratulations on making it here. At this channel, you're going to learn how to memorize Bible verses the fun and easy way. Not to offend, but we'll be learning verses from the KJV Bible as that's the only one worth using. Let me ask you something: have you ever ever found it difficult to memorize the Bible by rote memory? Yeah. Me too. And that's why I'd like to show you how to use music for Bible memorization. Think about this: songs from years and years ago... maybe you hear them in a grocery store and you find yourself singing along. But you haven't heard them in years, right? So how do you remember them? We're going to learn how to memorize the Bible the same way. When these Bible verse songs get in your head, that means they're in your memory. So jump in and start using the videos on this channel to start to memorize KJV Bible verses today! Welcome and God bless, Bro. Adam Tigges

The Iconic KJV Bible


Psalms 12:6-7 "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." -- -- Get a Comfort Print Bible: Black: http://tinyurl.com/Comfort-Print-Bible Burgundy: http://tinyurl.com/Comfort-Print-Bible-II - Need A One Year Reading Plan? The One Year Bible: http://tinyurl.com/One-Year-Bible -- -- Find a God Fearing, Christ Centered, Family Integrated, KJV Only Church Near You! -- Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church, Tempe, AZ http://faithfulwordbaptist.org/ - Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church, Sacramento, CA https://veritybaptist.com/ - Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Stedfast Baptist Church, Hurst, TX https://stedfastbaptistkjv.org/ - Pastor Dave Berzins of Stronghold Baptist Church, Norcross, GA http://strongholdbaptist.church/ - Pastor Aaron Thompson of Sure Foundation Baptist Church, Vancouver, WA http://surefoundationbaptist.com/ - Evangelist Danil Kutsar https://sfbc-spokane.com/ - Pastor Jason Robinson of Mountain Baptist Church, Fairmont, WV http://surefoundationbaptist.com/ - Pastor Bruce Mejia of First Works Baptist Church, El Monte, CA https://www.fwbcla.org/ - Pastor Joe Jones of Shield of Faith Baptist Church, Boise, ID https://shieldoffaithbaptist.com/ - Pastor Jared Pozarnsky Hold Fast Baptist Church, Fresno, CA https://holdfastbaptist.com/ - Pastor Kevin Sepulveda Blessed Hope Baptist Church & New Life Baptist Church, NSW, AU https://blessedhopebaptistchurch.org.au/ - Pastor Matthew Stucky Verity Baptist Church, Manila, Philippines http://veritybaptistmanila.com/index.html -- -- KJV Resources: - EVERYTHING NIFB https://allthepreaching.com/ - Brother Kevin Roe of KevinKJV.com https://www.kevinkjv.com/ - Brother Thomas Coletto of BannedPreaching.com https://bannedpreaching.com/ - Brother Paul Wittenberger of FramingTheWorld.com https://framingtheworld.com/ - Brother Ben Naim of BenTheBaptistKJV.com https://benthebaptistkjv.wordpress.com/ - Brother Matt Powell of MattPowellOfficial on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUFgmArK_ljP52HJLBmMoQg - Brother Spencer Shaw of Mid Michigan Soulwinners https://www.mid-michigan-soul-winners.com/ - GodResource.com http://www.godresource.com/ - Good Works Raiment https://www.goodworksraiment.com// - ServisFlameZone.org https://servisflamezone.org/ - Beware Of False Prophets https://rumble.com/c/c-5454715 -- -- Who I Am: I am a Christian that doesn't hide my bias. I view the world with a Baptist Bias. (Thank You To: https://rumble.com/c/TheBaptistBias) This means that I view the world through the lens of the King James Bible. While culture, opinions, and man's philosophies may change, the Word of God never changes. As we watch the accelerated deterioration of our culture and the vanishing of intelligence and adherence to truth in our nation, I seek to help bring America the reality check she so desperately needs through organized videos from real men of God, today's watchmen. As our country debates over whether two plus two really equals four, or contemplates the question of, "can a man get pregnant?" what will be posted for you is the discussions the main stream media and the TV preachers will never bring you.