Joy Kong, MD


Dr. Joy Kong, MD is a triple board-certified physician in the fields of Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, and Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine. She was named Top Doctor of the Year in Stem Cell Therapy 2019, Empowered Woman of the Year 2019, Stem Cell Doctor of the Decade in 2021, and her memoir Tiger of Beijing was named "Book of the Year" in 2020. Many people want to know how stem cell therapy works and look for the best stem cell treatment in the world. In search of such treatment, it's important to find the best stem cell therapy doctor who can guide you and customize regenerative medicine & anti-aging treatment to your specific needs. Stem cell therapy research studies have been very promising. Would you like to learn more?

American Reckoning Podcast


A lively discussion from the Confederate side of the War Between the States (the "Civil War") including facts and inconvenient truths that the left-wing media, government, public schools and woke institutions don't want you to know. Topics discussed tie back into why the South was right, and how the Republic as originally intended in the Constitution, died in 1865. The modern day Marxist attacks on America, aimed at Southern culture and heritage, and Confederate symbols, is the prime target, and they will not stop until we are all a global one-world order, and America is no more.