Crusty Old Marine


Welcome aboard to the Crusty Old Marine Rumble Channel! We create/feature videos to review, inform, entertain & chronicle products & activities in the realm of Shooting Sports (NRA High-Power/LR/F-Class, CMP Service Rifle/Service Pistol, IDPA), Hunting, Fly Fishing, Outdoors & Aviation. Please subscribe, like, comment, share, and visit our links to help support this channel. To help offset the cost of this site, some links in this site are Affiliate-Commissions-Paid Links

Whiggaz with attitudes Lord Clifford P. Focus & Ye Olde Uncle Dusty Esquire are some dirty good for nothing lazy, no job having Original WHiggaz broadcasting with stolen mics whilst sitting on 22'z Wednesday's live at 9:30PM , join them or get your nooodl


Welcome to Thee Original Whiggaz Rumble ya tardedgayz , Live Wednesday's at 9:30pm EST . Find us on Rumble YT Twitter Instagram Facebook Reddit being dumb lazy good for nothing WHiggaz comedic improvish of the top entertainment w/ Clifford Focus & ye olde Uncle Dust. You go now to for merch , you buy now or you get out of our store .

Just Your Average Joe Verified


Success stories from ordinary people chasing their dreams. Everyone deserves a few minutes in from of the camera to tell the world what they have accomplished in life, and this channel gives them precisely that. Whether your dream started big and ended up small or started small and ended up big, everyone has a story to tell about how their dreams and goals changed throughout their journey. We will also discuss current events, products, and all other things that can affect us average folks or help us along the way.

The Cave TV


The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you ~ B.B. King I am a student of life, and one who is always open to receive the messages that the universe wants to teach. I encourage everyone to ask questions, do research, and learn every chance you can; whether it's new things or finding the answers to those questions that you contemplate. I also believe we should know about suppressed historical information as it's unseen by so many. Seeing actual discovery documents, whether for a crime case or an event in history, it's where you'll find the most unbiased truth for yourself. Stay curious my friends. My Other Channel is: Crime and Killers