The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits Verified


Website: Dr. Judy Mikovits earned a BA in Chemistry from University of Virginia in 1980 and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her forty-year quest to understand the causes, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: Immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2009, Dr Judy Mikovits led the team that first isolated and characterized a new family of human disease-associated retroviruses, XMRVs. Dr Judy Mikovits has co-authored more than 50 peer reviewed publications and book chapters, and holds a patent for Combination Therapy for Prostate Cancer using Botanical Compositions and Casodex. Dr Judy Mikovits is a New York Times Best selling author of the books Plague, Plague of Corruption, Ending Plague and the Truth about the Masks. Her heart and passion is botanical drug development and personalized nutritional therapeutic solutions. Her current focus is education about the human endocannabinoid system and curative strategies for vaccine AIDS.

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