Salem News Journal


Salem News Journal is located in Salem, Oregon, USA. We are a small group of people bringing local broadcast news to our community in the twenty first century. Now using Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter we are pioneering a twenty first century model to deliver real time local news live to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Salem News Journal features our reporters in the field as they bring you the real time, relevant, Salem news you need, when it happens. Salem News Journal is Salem’s best source for local breaking news in the twenty first century. Visit Our Website: Warning: Viewer Discretion Is Advised. The video and audio are live from breaking news scenes, SOME SCENES MAY BE TO GRAPHIC FOR SOME VIEWERS!

Pauly's Guitar Journal


Welcome to Pauly's Guitar Journal on Rumble. On this channel, I play original compositions, public domain arrangements, and my guitar journal vlogs, which are mainly focused on practical ways to get the most out of your practice time. Original compositions and arrangements are available on my website (or by following the links in the descriptions of the videos), many of them for free. There are also practice resources available (i.e. digital and physical books) pertaining to the practice of the guitar. Please visit the website for more information. Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to like and subscribe.