Brylan Riggs


Howdy Ya'll, I'm Brylan! I would LOVE for you to join this community by SUBSCRIBING and become one of our insider members! Make sure to comment on our videos because we really enjoy getting to know our subscribers. Love, -Brylan & Lisa Support us on Patreon: The Daily Grace Company has our FAVORITE Bible Study Tools: Follow us on Instagram:

World According To Briggs


Description This is an educational and entertainment channel that focuses on relocation, real estate, and travel. If you learn something and are entertained we have done our job. In case you don't know all 50 states: Alabama, Alaska Arizona, Arkansas California, Colorado Connecticut, Delaware Florida, Georgia Hawaii, Idaho Illinois, Indiana Iowa, Kansas Kentucky, Louisiana Maine, Maryland Massachusetts, Michigan Minnesota, Mississippi Missouri, Montana Nebraska, Nevada New Hampshire, New Jersey New Mexico, New York North Carolina, North Dakota Ohio, Oklahoma Oregon, Pennsylvania Rhode Island, South Carolina South Dakota, Tennessee Texas, Utah Vermont, Virginia Washington, West Virginia Wisconsin, Wyoming

Mental Models


We go through life without ever questioning what we believe, even though many of those beliefs could easily be wrong. Our worldviews, perspectives, and beliefs can change just by listening to others. Because people take the time to share their thoughts, opinions, and knowledge, we get the chance to do so. That’s why I’m here doing the same, looking at life differently, challenging common beliefs, and learning to think in new ways. I also want to encourage others to do the same, because the more we share and listen, the more we can learn and improve. Host: Tobias Philipp